
from the revolution to now. fraud, hoaxes, and they always use the voodoo to run interference for satan and divert the victimhood to their own whining asses.

The voodoo will always stand on the side of evil. as will the masons jesuits and the usual shot sell out homosexual tranny cult!

The system has to come down. The money is slavery.

the MS13 crackdown is just a michael corleone move. They created that hell in central america which create a culture of crime and gangs Now, they, re finished with that part of the agenda and so it’s off to the cages with them.

I respect your input.

A curse upon him and his.

3 * 11 = 33. Freemason activity.

Yes, I think she should downsize. Or, uh, I mean they should downsize. Or he. Or WTF is this??

I find it hard to review the three networks nightly news reports, that I intentionally record. For the most part they are identical less the silly additional fluff they throw in to make it look Spontaneous. Their preference and goals are fear peddling, focusing on "Climate Change" and "mass shootings" for the most part. Your premise is right, a person believing and accepting what they peddle, is in for a rough and rocky road.

Isn’t it odd, that they never get it wrong? There’s only one direction, one plan, and always the same claim of fighting terrorism. That’s becomes especially odd when one figures out who the "terrorists" are, and it be them.

It’s a no brainer, this was on the list covered at

It sucks either way


mm don’t watch the "news", unless it is to see what new tactics/the new storyline is, manipulation tactics, etc... long time ago learned for the most part it was all garbage...

Wow! Jeff C! I am surprised to see him back. I guess he figured it’s been long enough for people to forget his meltdown. I didn’t forget. It’s one thing to get something wrong and call a hoax real. Everyone makes mistakes. Just admit you were wrong or stick to your guns and move on. To lose your mind on all the others who claim you are wrong because you can’t prove they are wrong is a red flag. To disappear for years after, without ever giving an explanation is another flag. The Asiana and MH370 hoaxes were very big and important. His actions need to be remembered not forgiven. He appears to be a very talented misinformation agent, but I could be wrong?

fuck these murdering scum

We were there the night of the DHS DRILL to watch 300 people NOT crying and not so much as one Kleenex. Why no tears? Because there’s nothing to cry about…

the muzzle should have been the line in the sand where humans will stand up. humans have to know that the voodoo will always stand against TRUTH and compassion. They are the devils. so know that the war isn’t only against the tranny/homosexual entity called government and the masons and zionism and all the other queer cults but the voodoo will stand with lucifer and the enemy combatants being brought in are useful idiots. and people that believe in climate change. and tv watchers and newspaper readers and taylor swift fans are so far gone…

the muzzle should have been the line in the sand where humans will stand up. humans have to know that the voodoo will always stand against TRUTH and compassion. They are the devils. so know that the war isn’t only against the tranny/homosexual entity called government and the masons and zionism and all the other queer cults but the voodoo will stand with lucifer and the enemy combatants being brought in are useful idiots. and people that believe in climate change. and tv watchers and newspaper readers and taylor swift fans are so far gone…

that’s when you kill the devils that are trying to starve you and your family and all of humanity.