

For sure , it’s always something with these demons .

"How dare you !"

And if it’s in the hoax capital of the world Texas you can sure count on it .

Yep , all the conveniences of a rat in a cage . Everything provided by your owner until he decides not . Maybe we’ll get one of those treadmill wheelie things ...

Orchestrated destruction to setup climate change psyop. Part of Agenda 21 involves moving people into cities.

Denis Healey former Member of Parliament and Finance Director in the UK said World events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and managed by those that hold the purse strings........ That’s not to say that this couldn’t be a hack or form of cyber attack, but either way this is the new normal and we can expect to see more frequent ones and of severity.

More evidence of climate change.

ALL TOO familiar these days

Kids are kids. At that age, they haven’t developed, anywhere near, the kind of patience needed to be stuck in a small closet for even a short period. Imagine the circumstances. The decreasing oxygen supply, the ever-increasing temperature from body heat, it’s doubtful that the majority of the kids used the restroom before the alleged incident. All this coupled with a lack of understanding of the situation. All this befalling people who’ve never experienced such inconvenience, physical pressure and psychological stress. rnWere supposed to believe this was so insignificant as to not be a part of the official story?

It might have been possible if all those fake kids had their had heads stuck up their classmates (I’m sure that’s what they expect us to believe) no disrespect to real children.

The hard part about the gene-editing based mind control involves figuring out how to get the enemy army to let their genes be edited.

Kaitlin RAG is stuck with the 15 kids in a 3x5 bathroom stall.

great vid

mic plug

I don’t recall anyone, including the lying sardine packing teacher, ever saying that Lanza opened the classroom door, as the guy claims in this video. An easily debunked B.S. story.

Thanks will look!

Good clip.