
Why would he give up his location to someone he doesn’t know or cannot trust. A little suspicious to me!

Thanks for the video. I recently chastised a close relative when he reported to me, that at 10:30pm one night recently, he saw a row (maybe five) of unmarked white monster busses come speeding off the downtown freeway with obvious intent, in the direction of the international airport, He neglected to pick up his phone and get visual evidence of this very suspicious activity. Activity, taking place in an area where everyone thinks it’s not happening in their community, because the news media reports nothing about it.

I stopped listening to Dave Hodges a long time ago along with many others who push his reports, I did however share your video, ending it with a big question mark❓ behind it until Jason weighed in as I haven’t even heard anything from Boss about drought and issues with water levels in the Panama Canal. We can blame many issues on that saintly old Jimmy Carter and his affiliation with the Trilateral Commission and The Council on Foreign Relations, I think?

Coming to America, so many here who have prepared will not nearly be as well off as you, and so many others will be caught totally by surprise. Best wishes and Godspeed to you all.

I was hoping you would clarify this matter. The first I’ve heard of this situation is when you mentioned the strife in Panama in one of in your videos. There is absolutely nothing being said by mass media in the US, on this strife in Panama. The guy sounds credible, and coupled with your concern, it made sense to open up a discussion. Afterall, everyone on 153news has a stake in this matter, thanks for your comment. However! I still get a bad feeling, like the time the "reporter" who was in Panama reporting on the crossing of the Darien Gap by "refugees" and the subsequent loading of all these refugees onto U.S. sponsored busses. Claiming to be right there watching it, however, he failed to take photographs of it taking place? He lost all credibility with me, and I’m sure many more people who expected answers, and got nothing.

And it may look grim but even the worst day down here is better than the best day as a north american tax slave. I will take this fight and embrace it!

So some American fella thinks he has a clue what’s happening down in in Panama? lol. He is completely clueless and an idiot. First and foremost, there aren’t China people coming in here and working. You have to be full blooded Panamanian to ever get a job or go through work permits and a ton of garbage. You just don’t come as some foreigner and get a job. Doesn’t work like that. If this yo yo thinks Panama has a military, they don’t. They barely have a functioning police force who has stood down as people put trees and rocks in the road. And this entire shutdown at the this moment has to do with 1 single mine contract that is owned by a Canadian company. The locals don’t want the last contract that was signed and are revolting until there are better terms in this contract. It is the local Indian people that started this and it has spread. They did this before about 6 months ago or so. It ended with everyone getting some type of communist gas card where you could only get so much gas. That being said, it’s been over 3 weeks since there has been food, gas or propane. It’s a good thing I don’t need to ever leave my jungle farm but I did a few times to see what’s been going on and the stores are empty, the people are owned, but it’s by their choice the country is closed down. I am not saying China and the US don’t own this country, because they both do but if this guy is gonna report, at least get it right.

Thank you. I’ve never seen that gaffe before.

Romans 12:17-19 Don’t pay people back with evil for the evil they do to you. Focus your thoughts on those things that are considered noble. As much as it is possible, live in peace with everyone. Don’t take revenge, dear friends. Instead, let God’s anger take care of it. After all, Scripture says, “I alone have the right to take revenge. I will pay back, says the Lord.” This is how we are told to continue in this realm/reality.

As you said, waking up is a good first step in the process; however, our only way out of this realm/reality has already been provided to us by our Creator.

Ephesians 6:12 "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places."

Most of my co-workers in my department received the jab. I have indeed seen a personality change among those who still remain. They have all become much more docile. Also, I have noticed not just a lack of critical thinking skills among them, but also a loss of basic thinking ability even among intelligent, high-end professionals.

The related marijuana was most definitely bred to have higher THC content to help them falsely legitimize pulling the fire alarm.

It’s not just the NFL. All the major Professional so-called sports and many college so-called sports are scripted. The massive expansion of legalized gambling has made it even worse. Sports entertainment theatre used to mostly be scripted on a macro level; however, it it is now being extensively scripted on a call-in micro level as well. There are multiple examples across the internet proving this; however, most fans of this theatre give into cognitive dissonance rather than accept the truth even when it is made obvious.

Galatians 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

Yeah there’s three Trails but only two engines explain that one Einstein

i heard mr ford used to talk about the jews in disparaging truthful ways

1:47 I’ve seen that dance on tiktok. sometimes its the finer details that make comedy and sometimes it isn’t

these compilations are the best

first amendment auditor videos are the best thing on youtube except for some of my videos.