
No countries no matter how big or small are exempt from this globalist gun grab nonsense.

Damn, man. Is that how all the stores look there?

Thank you!


Yes, I think you might be right about that.

so in other words we are left with trying to figure out the truth from the lies

well you have to remember that the “FIRST casualty in war is the TRUTH “

well you have to remember that the “FIRST casualty in war is the TRUTH “

America loses 93M people every day to gun violence. WTF are they talking about? This would mean that America loses 33,945M every year. It’s been a long time since I’ve been in school but isn’t this 3.39 billion a year. 3.4 billion gun deaths a year for a country with a population of 332 million. They throw around all these scary numbers to influence the masses.

How ridiculous! How could anyone believe this wasn’t staged?

Wow , how pathetic . One of if not the worst yet .

This is complete bull shit. So, many busted crisis actors it’s hilarious. No way to tell when the video was shot. Sorry Timmy, this is disinformation.

i can count on two fingers of friends and relatives etc that think along the lines I do. Like one of my sons told me who does believe some of what i’m saying it said Dad why did yo put that stuff in about the Flat Earth! Now everyone is going to think that you’re CRAZY!

PROOF of a governmental/Jewish conspiracy.

What was in that freezer? frozen potatoes?

rnMy middle name is Ledgerd, see me on linkedin (whilst it’s still there considering who owns the website) for images. I love Vietnam and my family here, but I am forced to do this by my conscience.rn rnrnI may have to do the potentially illegal act of republicizing IRL (In Real Life) mainstream news accessible in Vietnam tomorrow, because my father has pulled out of an interview about Gaza’s potential to exploit their own gas after a 100% confirmed high level Chicom/Israeli Government Contractor/33 degree Mason/Orthodox Rabbi & self-admitted associate of Australia’s deputy P.M and IDF Generals (Mossad?) trainer joined the thread, who is all over this platform supporting the "legitimate" targeting of children, women and foreign AID workers. I am 5 days into a thyroid/thyroid hormone free hunger strike (no solid food) with only a sugar boost when I get too close to the edge of consciousness. This is so I can not be deported alive as a prior UNHCR confirmed refugee away from my family. ( My only demand is that he go forwards with a one hour live presentation with and ignore any "potential" illegal foreign interference or his own trivial reasons. Maybe you can make this issue well known to the American Zionist "suitcase of money" (the American people) who I think don’t want another Blood for Oil War (think Iraq/Afghanistan). I do this in solidarity with the 6 Gaza people who have already died in Custody since October 7th. I hope more than Bangladesh can cover this news ASAP before the situation escalates. Gazprom/RT has been over my LinkedIn profile so we can only hope.

rnMy middle name is Ledgerd, see me on linkedin (whilst it’s still there considering who owns the website) for images. I love Vietnam and my family here, but I am forced to do this by my conscience.rn rnrnI may have to do the potentially illegal act of republicizing IRL (In Real Life) mainstream news accessible in Vietnam tomorrow, because my father has pulled out of an interview about Gaza’s potential to exploit their own gas after a 100% confirmed high level Chicom/Israeli Government Contractor/33 degree Mason/Orthodox Rabbi & self-admitted associate of Australia’s deputy P.M and IDF Generals (Mossad?) trainer joined the thread, who is all over this platform supporting the "legitimate" targeting of children, women and foreign AID workers. I am 5 days into a thyroid/thyroid hormone free hunger strike (no solid food) with only a sugar boost when I get too close to the edge of consciousness. This is so I can not be deported alive as a prior UNHCR confirmed refugee away from my family. ( My only demand is that he go forwards with a one hour live presentation with and ignore any "potential" illegal foreign interference or his own trivial reasons. Maybe you can make this issue well known to the American Zionist "suitcase of money" (the American people) who I think don’t want another Blood for Oil War (think Iraq/Afghanistan). I do this in solidarity with the 6 Gaza people who have already died in Custody since October 7th. I hope more than Bangladesh can cover this news ASAP before the situation escalates. Gazprom/RT has been over my LinkedIn profile so we can only hope.

The evildoers could use a patsy so that a person is recognized out of the community for doing this "evil act" but could be set up with fake deaths. There was video (NewsNation) that had one neighbor who said Card was no problem. A different video said everyone knew this guy was crazy. I think Charlie’s concept could work here.

Knowing that it is fake and knowing that the NFL works hand-in-hand with the U.S. Government pushing their agenda, especially promoting the fake mass shootings and total gun control like they did in hosting the kids from Sandy Hook for a half-time show and some people would still support them with their viewership? That says alot.

Give anything to be there . You are absolutely right , the worst day in Panama beats any day in this American police state Freemason cesspool .