
an assault rifle...

You can tell what she saying is completely rehearsed. At -30 seconds left she repeats the same sentence three times.

With all these hoaxes the supposed victims and witnesses always laugh about it in the midst of fake crying. You think after all this time they would hire better actors. Though depending on how you look at it, thats good for us since it makes it all the easier to see through these.

Most people don’t realize that Google is a CIA, and if you use services like gmail, all your messages go to the government database and it stays there forever. All smartphones were designed to track people at all times and you can’t disable any tracking, it’s inside the software and the firmware. They send huge amounts of radiation even if you don’t use them, because they constantly keep tracking of your location. You will see more and more people getting sick, specially when 5G rolls out everywhere.

Hollywood uses fake tears all the time, wake up, the government you once belived in has been taken over, and now a staged crash at a border checkpoint.

Hell with that, the nondisclosure agreement says I can be in future events with a possible acting career, the card is just supposed to be a down payment.

Did he walk right past her ?

and now for your $100 Walmart gift card for being a participating actWhore.

Not even remotely realistic .

Shelter in place is the new word they have been rolling out recently. Took his own life. Sure he did. No surprise there. Holidays are their favorite time for hoaxes.rnrn

How is your fiat cash holding up? Looks like inflation has it destroyed. Why do people say crypto is the beast system? Mastercard and visa are worldwide already. Seems like people don’t get crypto.

Exactly, that was my immediate take as well, I caught this screenshot at a moment’s notice and didn’t have much time to prepare for a better visual experience.

The plan is to put constant pressure on the palestinians by bombardments until the EU or other countries accept all the palestinian refugees. When the whole Gaza strip has been cleared, they’ll transform it into a industrial area, and begin to harness the rich gas fields offshore of Gaza. Israel already have deals with Shell to develop these fields and Israel is also interested in using the same methods on the west bank, thus clearing the entire land of palestinians.

Looked fake. The camera just happened to be there when a police officer punched the lady. They want to brainwash people to believe that the government can do that.

You know it’s fake when the crisis actors say assault weapons. It never gets old.

My guess is that they git rid of them.

Where was this? They enable this so cities will have no businesses to bring the 15-min cities.

It’s not even legal to kill yourself today unless you sign up to participate in a mass casualty exercise at Walmart then they will take care of that problem by eliminating the useful idiot patsy.

This one was a little different to take the edge off.

Just got an email from a member of a video from the MSM saying they were all moved and put up in other locations around the city. Hi we’re here from the government and we’re here to help. Might as well be a FEMA CAMP, and what happens if the government now tries to evict them from their upgraded housing? Maybe they won’t even try and maybe this is the beginning stages of Universal Basic Income which other segments of society will foot the bill for? BTW, thanks for the email.