
2018 that’s almost 6 years ago. Now I can look up at the sky at night and count multiple satellites. Probably at least 20 or more.Some are very close . I can see multiple lights on them. If all he said is true and I am pretty sure he has plenty of proof to back up what he says.Then the whole of creation is in extreme perril..!! They are moving full steam ahead. Planet titanic about to hit iceberg. Time to cry out to our maker Yahuah. Study his directions he gave us.Follow them not the Decieved churches. Follow his luner calender. Keep his holy days feasts and laws statutes and judgements.Repent of breaking his commandments. Love everyone including our enemies. That can be a tough one? Finally prepare to stand before Yahuah and give Account for how we lived our lives. No one has much time left to straighten out our lives

Very cool to know. Like all of us, we learn as we grow.


Mexico ban chemtrails! Italy banned gmo meat! USA banned truth and God! !

Same here in Chicago! They spray at night too them mf!! But so many are so fuckn stupid they don’t even look up ! And the ones that do think its normal!! Dumb fucks! They all worship satan or God would allow them to see evil!! Sad but true!

He did another video later on where he concluded the Holocaust was a lie

Another tranny

Lots of great points here but I’m not on board with him concerning WW2. All I’m going to say is history is written by the victors and how can we believe anything we’ve been taught in school or seen on TV?

VIDEO rnFar-right Polish MP extinguishes Hanukkah candles in parliamentrnLOL

THIS A PSYOP!! THIS POLISH MP IS A CRYPTO JEW LOL I CAN RECOGNISE A JEW WHEN I SEE ONE ! THEY ARE DESPERATE!! Far right Polish MP in antisemitic attack as he uses fire extinguisher to put out Hanukkah candles Grzegorz Braun used the extinguisher to put out the candles AND THIS IS NOT THE FIRST PSYOP THAT HE PARTICIPATES IN LOL

Personally, I’m an agnostic, when it comes to religion. That means I’m someone who has neither faith nor disbelief in God. But I do believe in Satan and know who the Synagogue of Satan is.

URSULA THE ROTHSCHILD PUPPET ! In London, she lived in the same building as Jacek Rostowski (jew) who would later become Poland’s finance minister and deputy PM.

Even Satan comes as an Angel of Light.

is satan part of your mental illness ???

does any of it matter...obviously it does to you though init eh...have you always been shallow?

did you take the jib jab ???

the concept of a god or devil is just low IQ retardation ???

hollywood the predatory paedophile ring that the docile masses want & crave to be part of least 90% of the world population needs to be taken out with extreme prejudice...we live in duality generated world where good contrasts bad...ergo can’t have 1 without the other...the best the 10% can do is control the bad,simple’s!

BLE MAC addresses are randomized on iOS. There’s no way to tell from a video if it’s actually from a vaccine or a nearby iPhone. rnrnI’d be using IPv6 w/SLAAC instead of DHCP. Full mesh of bodies/towers/etc. Are the boosters upgrading the firmware/bluetooth version or do they give additional MAC addresses?

most of them have a time limit on their fame the devil comes for them after a time maybe 20 years 30 for some or less