
hollywood the predatory paedophile ring that the docile masses want & crave to be part of least 90% of the world population needs to be taken out with extreme prejudice...we live in duality generated world where good contrasts bad...ergo can’t have 1 without the other...the best the 10% can do is control the bad,simple’s!

BLE MAC addresses are randomized on iOS. There’s no way to tell from a video if it’s actually from a vaccine or a nearby iPhone. rnrnI’d be using IPv6 w/SLAAC instead of DHCP. Full mesh of bodies/towers/etc. Are the boosters upgrading the firmware/bluetooth version or do they give additional MAC addresses?

most of them have a time limit on their fame the devil comes for them after a time maybe 20 years 30 for some or less

20 years ago before I completely woke up I realized I couldn’t stand late night talk shows, all the tv commercials, the sitcoms, award shows. Then went sports, super bowl halftime show made me sick. I asked myself why am I watching this garbage? Then went the national news followed by the local news. In May of 2011 when Barry Soetoro announced (lied) on TV that they got Bin Laden I unplugged the TV for good, ripped out all the Dish crap and threw it out in the back yard.

It sure looks as if that’s the case. I don’t know of anyone personally who has accumulated more than a few million in total assets. By now, most people in the U.S. who think, have noticed the sharp decline of the middle class since the1970’s and more so, in the 2000’s. There was really only about 20-25 years after WWII, of real prosperity for the average joe in America. I actually worked beside older guys who had one job providing for a family. The wife stayed home and raised the kids. they had a house, a new car every three years and a cabin "up north" all on one income, with no credit cards. Those living situations started disappearing since then and are now just a fading memory. All quite intentional.

Keep an eye on this highly educated sort, ones who make a lifelong living off their science education, doing research. I’ve perceived an above average tendency to flirt with alcohol addiction, almost as if it’s their rite of passage. So smart, yet so foolish. A good but artificial portrayal of this can be seen in the movie, "The thing" 2011.

One of the most wicked things about this whole sad saga, is that the people were led to believe that if they went south, they would be spared. The whole world should learn an important lesson from this.

Albert he just said he didnt take the shots.

wow... that is absolutely hilarious and ridiculous, LOL. They’re really going the extra mile. Unbelievable. >.<

Thanks, Side Thorn!

I would be curious to see what you mean by "2 polar rotations", do you have a link for a map or example, I can see? I don’t know if I have heard that before.

There is a ceiling on how much "success" you will be allowed in this realm without selling out to one or more the various groups of Satan-worshippers.

Also correct that we have been under the new world order since WW1-2

I think you are referring to the Freemason NWO AE map which was a controlled release as the Jesuits understood that a growing number of people would eventually figure out that our realm is flat and not a spinning ball. The AE map is however easily debunked. Our realm clearly has 2 polar rotations which is impossible on the snowglobe NWO AE map system. Also, in reality we clearly observe sunrises and sunsets south of East and West. With the NWO AE map, sunrises and sunsets would always have to occur North of East and West which is not what we observe. There are many more debunks, but those are the big 2. Both the Jesuit spinning ball earth and the controlled opposition NWO dome-enclosed AE map are false.

Ketchup is something you shouldn’t eat anyway if you care about your health as it’s mostly sugar / high fructose corn syrup.

Yes. Duck Duck Go is a controlled alternative browser.

After coming to a full knowledge of the truth, fear is one of the first things to melt away. You begin committing to the truth accepting the possibility that it might result in the death of your avatar body in this realm.

It is possible that she could be in the early awakening stages where she doesn’t see the entire picture yet. We’ve all been there.

Fishing for more easy-money crisis actor gigs by making a point that she is "experienced".