
Yes, this guy is correct the south surrounds us. They don’t want us going out there because it would prove the Earth is flat people are waking up by the millions. They cannot put the genie back in the bottle. Thank you for the video

The lingo is way above my basic understanding of the internet the dark web and how Bluetooth & 5G play into this, if it sounds like I’m stumbling around in the dark, well I am, but I find it very interesting and will do my own bit of dabbling and experimentation and see if I get anything or nothing.Thanks for the post OMG.

They are going to make it so that you will need a licence to have a cat or dog. If you do not do as you are told and give them as many jabs as they tell you, then you will lose the licence to have a pet. Once they have a licence it will be an annual green pet tax. I feel sure something like this will come in. There are millions of Muslims in this country now and they do not have pets so they will be all for such draconian laws.

It’s called Tell-LIE-Vision for a reason.

What technology platform is being used .

What technology platform is being used .

I didn’t watch the video, I did the research. I can still learn.

A true leader ! Thank you for your courage and for being real.

I love your passion. And I think it is powerful. Can I ask what are you doing with it ? It’s a bitch to think it gets wasted. Knowledge is true power, payback is sorta a release for some closure. Wisdom comes from the knowledge that you UNRAVEL that comes from the powerhouse of passion you have. This is difficult to explain and not to offend. If I don’t try history will keep repeating. So I’ll just spit it out. Find a way to center yourself, push all clutter out , focus on the energy your body feels, hold your balance, you’ll be looking forward towards what man really is. Keeping out what he has done , and most important while doing this try not letting " me myself or I " control , dictate, guide this process. Repeat to yourself repitiously " it’s not about me or you " at first this will be very difficult so study and in a couple days you’ll start to see clearer and then this power you have will be affective. Take your time and remember it’s not about you or me and you will see . Good luck

Hit the graveyard bro. I would trust your work over these other people. If people are still producing Mac addresses after their blood has been drained then the vaccine has built and somehow powered this networking even after death. It would be fascinating if you could see a bluetooth signal 6 feet through dirt and a wooden coffin. Knowing how weak Bluetooth is, I couldn’t imagine you getting a Mac address on a scan. Be careful but please hit the graveyard.

Here are the cliff notes: If people are showing Mac addresses, they are now humanoid robots. They are now fully controllable animals.

There are alternatives below:

lol, hey Jason this might as well been in french to me, i don’t get a thing of it, i just shared a video of this guy and thought, lets give it a try then, i will upload that video hear now... check him out.

maybe i can be the first at night, you say night to be daring you mean, and if it would come up with addresses it wouldnt change a thing, day or night, anyway hope ya all good side thorn journalist

7D:70:F6:BC:22:C8 shows the same...nothing. Essentially there wouldn’t be devices out without a log into the mac address database. In my hacking days the first thing you would change on your Ethernet card was your Mac address. You would spoof the Mac address and make it look different. Any reboot would alter that Mac address back to the defaults. You can’t physically change a Mac, only spoof it for a single use till reboot. When I was really hacking heavy I would change my Mac every few minutes just to make sure I was confusing things. Sometimes you will change your Mac to look like a certain router or look like an apple iphone. identity begins as the Mac address layer which is layer 2 of the OSI model. Layer 2 exists to allow layer 3 transport mechanisms such as tcp/IP. So Mac addresses are 1 layer after the physical layer 1. The OSI model contains 7 layers that take us from basic electrical signalling all the way to layer 7 which is something like Firefox or chrome or some layer 7 app. This is all important because if you didn’t know what network building was from layer 1 to 7 then you wouldn’t see the holy crap moment when we piece together that a lot of the vaxxed end up transmitting out a Bluetooth Mac address awaiting a layer 3 IP address which essentially would bring all the networked humans into a controllable networking cluster. What’s interesting is Bluetooth is a very small range frequency. Which means they are gonna hijack what we know of as Bluetooth frequencies and power them way up so they can control a large range.

Mac address 60:9E:AB:CC:63:48 is associated with any manufacturer. The reason a Mac address exists is so it can arp a dhcp server and the server takes the Mac address and gives them an IP. If these Mac addresses are indeed being generated by people then essentially they all awaiting an IP address from a Bluetooth signal. Someone needs to setup a Bluetooth dhcp server and send someone an IP and then try to ssh or telnet or scan their ports and see what interface is open. If this indeed is real, these people are essentially humans with networking interfaces. A walking computer.

I have seen quite a few vids of people doing this at graveyards and am a true believer . So damn strange . I can only imagine the feeling you would get doing this alone at some remote cemetery . Haven’t seen one at night though ...

Nice presentation . Keep up the great work !

only the docile masses got tricked into taking their own death jib jab ???

Well Done a nice work putting this video. together. ! Sadly Billions have already been lethaly injected . The news media continue to push more fear and varients. Of a disease never isolated. How can there be varients of a non existent disease? 5 g radiation poison is real. 5g is a military weapon gives COVID symptoms. What’s Next Zombi Apoc? Cry out to Yahuah our maker. Only he can Save us!