
It really is coming down to decision time (easier said than done I know ). But yapping on about the right to bear arms is meaningless ,unless one is prepared to USE them . As the Constitution clearly and unambiguously states AGAINST enemies ,both foreign AND domestic. May God grant us a rallying Cromwell like figure in these end times ,before His return.

Whilst I admire anyone having the balls to confront and resist these increasingly tyrannical thugs .Poking them with the proverbial "stick" only escalates things . As for his comment "were not Russia ". I seriously suggest he take another look at his once free /home of the brave nation. Actually Vlad had the courage /decency to denounce the detestable lgbxyz movement in his nation recently. With the added bonus of kicking Zelenski`s nether region militarily .

MAN !! to think their was a time I respected these guys , NOT the loathsome pseudo masculine pint sized gun toting feminazi hybrids ( although this curse is pretty much global now ) .I seem to recall - somewhere in Isiah, that ( as an act of Judgment ) "women" would have dominance and children becoming oppressors. One thing is for sure Israhell`s covenment is NO different from any of the other 666 One World Covenment scum, (or a certain mustacheod chap from the 30`s) . AmeriKa , being top of the list., ladling out cash to that sodomite / male stripper /actwhore Zelenski. However the "invasion" now taking place will eventually ensure a "rectification". There`s a great deal of old scores to settle . Gulf wars 1&2 911 etc etc. We here in Britain are experiencing exactly the same.

Knowing this information is probably more important than the truth about all the false flag shootings combined, considering current events. One takes your guns, the other takes your well being and eventually, your life. I know some will say, try defending your life without guns, but it changes the argument very little. Well done, thanks.

I should rephrase my request for diversified opinion to specifically exclude foolhardy and destructive ad hominem.

And then it goes down the memory hole never to be questioned again. Remember, all it takes is for the controllers to yell ’anti-’ in front of anything questionable to make the sheep stop bleating. We will never know what happened to John, or NYC/DC/PA, or THIS, or the ’Pale citizens’, or the next atrocity. Even the truth is regarded as something shameful by the brainwashed.

But you have to admit, it was entertaining for a moment. ;)

They had us killing each other in the 1860’s..................why not try it again?

This feels like a slam but perhaps you can wield your axe with a bit more edge so I can totally feel the cuts.

Have you ever asked for an uploader account? How to upload is at the top.

Starring to look like all news is fabricated ? lol

Problem reaction solution. Come down with more laws to take away freedoms. Can’t come into store without bio id. Our just close the stores because of thefts? This can’t be good.Heard they have raised the limit to $1000 for felony theft. Yeah green light to steel. Under$1000 or some huge amount is petty missdimer?

I will attempt to quote. Scripture best I can. It tells us read it for yourselfrn.The Earth is Defiled under the inhabitants thereof because they have Transgressed the law changed the ordinances and broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore a curse has devoured the Earth the haughty people languish the Earth is burned and Few Men Are Left...

The state of the state. They have done a good job at doing this! They controle everything! Schools,Higher Education,All Media. News ,Entertainment,Health Care. Work Corps own most jobs. Legal system Judges etc. What don’t they controle? Or food we consume the water we drink the air we breath. Our weather is controlled. People’s minds now have opp systems connected to the cloud. The worst thing is that they controle all Organised Religion. They have changed the bibles removed Yahuah the creators name replaced it with the Babalonian Mighty One called God. Changed the creators calander from solar luner to solar. Changed the creators laws statutes and judgements. The churches all teach a Counterfit sun worshiping religion. They all teach Jesus died for your sins so you can keep on sinning! Yahuah says come out of her my people. Do not Participate in her sins and revive of her plagues!!

I am pretty s ure that it will look nothing like this trailer shows, but it does get peoples minds into a civil war mode type mind set. The reality is that the 5G will be turned up to 11 and there probably won’t be much a civil war happening. We are already surrounded by the guard and guard towers, and they aren’t manned, and the AI running their system doesn’t have the capacity to give a fuck about your tears. You’ll fry with the rest of them. Just be ready with a chainsaw or a truck and a rope to start pulling these fucking things out of the ground.

Whatever you just said was way more terrifying than this trailer. >.<

Matty, let me tell you something that has made me feel better lately. I have stopped "wishing I could have said something" and instead I just started saying it. Regardless of the potential blowback. I don’t do it in a mean way or a confrontational way but I do say it with confidence, because I know that I can easy back it up with real searchable data and information, such as the chemicals in the C4 or the RF signal information like you mentioned here. Just start saying it to them. Be the source of wisdom in your circles. Doesn’t matter if they disagree or not, because you are right, eventually others will look into it and find it to be true as well. rnI don’t socialize much anymore because frankly being around these mindless zombies is kind of draining and I find that I can no longer relate to most people. However, in situations where I am around people... I just say it man... don’t hold back, don’t be a dick, but just lay it out and a short concise way and walk away, like it was no big deal. You would be surprised how planting those seeds helps humanity in a big big way.rnGreat video bro!

Exactly, there is only 1 pole at the center ("North"). rn

No 24 hr sun like they claim is a big reason.

no crypto dinero makes Jason a dullboy.