
My grandfathers are rolling in their graves ... long live a zombie apocalypse ...

I just donated by paypal and they didn’t charge a fee. usually there’s a fee because the email is connected to a business. maybe there is some holiday special where they aren’t charging fees for a while.

I’ve seen times where I’ve barely escaped their clutching hands. Evil rotten scumbags. I won’t say any more right now, than Colorado. I’m quite certain that it’s all bad everywhere, these days.

Brother you too, are a hero to me. Thank you for your courage.

for the life of me i refuse to be as disrespectful as you

Well we dont need them hear, clearly he has one goal, to attack people, delete the ass hole.


Peep that last sentence he said. MANY still believe the joos walking around today making global decisions and owning literally anything that can influence the masses, are the original, biblical joos..... they hide under the name joo for protection. But they are not joos, but members of the synagogue of Satan. They call themselves joos too. Look into it. It’s even mentioned in the Bible that these liars, who identify as joos, exist.

Most of the people commenting here are not the one’s we are concerned about, what else can we do to reach them who don’t donate? I have accounts on YouTube Bitchute Rumble and others, but it’s here that I come to for truly uncensored content, and that which pertains to freedom.

Exactly. Once in a while I create a paradox, especially easy with government hypocrisy, to get people thinking.

We have photos of Mars. It is really easy to prove Earth is a globe, just point us in the direction of non-cgi photos of the Earth that are not composites or taken with a fish-eye lens either.

You are right. I got the 7 part right but the decade is wrong. Thanks. 2017 is when we began. Right after Las Vegas hoax.

And so was Malcolm X and Marcus Garvey and everyone one involved in the civil rights movement. It was a corporate distraction created by the globalist.

I always have, and I will continue to give money monthly to Jason Bossman and his family !! They have done so much for the truth movement. Long, live 153 news. Love the channel.

You are an absolute savage, you are greatly appreciated, so glad to see you, are dedicated to getting the truth out. #You are a absolute savage, you are greatly appreciated, so glad to see you, are dedicated to getting the truth out. #TheEarthIsFlat.

The problem is everybody doesn’t know. Most don’t have a clue.

2024 will be a big 153news impact.

2007? Thought it was 2017?

meaning, I don’t expect white people to go down without a really big fight. That remains to be seen.

Mark of the beast