
I guess it could be as simple error as ’ has been used - don’t write don’t - write dont

Truthertz, re your lack of respect for those you don’t see as contributors: Do not be so quick to judge your colleagues here at 153. Some people donate anonymously, and some donate under different names. We all want more people to contribute. But save your disrespect for the real evildoers.

Thank you, Jason. Absolutely. Let’s fight for


Thanks amigo

We love you sis. Our M.I.A. soldiers were returned. Scarred but tougher than any other people I know. #TheTruthWillSetYouFree

You and your family had my back for the 4 years 8 months and 23 days I was being tortured by our own government for exposing the real criminals. I will NEVER stop having your back. You ALL will always be my favorite heroes!

yep always same script. always killing themselves. So they cant demand or ask for anything? hmmm highly suspicious ’shooting’ event ... once again ...??

Thanks brother. The DMCA is the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. It is the legal foundation block they use to decide if you have broken copyright laws. Hollywood went mad with DMCAs and got all the free movies taken offline. Anyone with a copyright can use the DMCA process to take things offline. In the case of 153news and Sandy Hook, Lenny the sideshow Pozner was using a brown jacket on his fake son as the copyright. He claimed he owned the picture of the brown jacket. So it wasn’t that people were posting his child but he was getting their videos pulled for the brown jacket. Being on YouTube Lenny and his gang of demons were filing things like that and owing videos and channels and getting them a copyright strike. You can find videos on this site early on. I did a video with every takedown attempt they did on us and our responses. Probably search DMCA here and it will show up.

so? how many of this vaxxd group had a MAC address?? I have certainly detected this myself ... in the streets, but its hard to determine the exact number of addresses considering other MAC devices out there... distances, etc

Yes, no doubt, ha ha.

Could you please describe DCMA to us non teckies, and from there I’ll do my own research. Hope it doesn’t end anytime soon (153) but if it does, but I’ll drop in from time to time to hear your voice on pack life, saw the video on the dog food donation, before you mentioned it, it’s great that people care that much, blessings to ya all, and the Pitbulls.

so.... central Europe now?? another Anti-Guns gov’t hoax then, here??? any real dead bodies filmed anywhere? real bl00d i mean? or just shouting, ’gun’ shots sounds & media covering??

It’s usually a corrupted video file, special characters such a quotes or such in the file name or description, or no submit was registered when it was clicked. If there are issues just name your .mp4 to 1.mp4, get it uploaded and then change the title and such. It’s duct tape and rubber bands compared to the power of the bug dogs but if you use this for uploads it hits every time. Cheers

I noticed Rumble is down often... 153news is much better and no problems up until now, however I had a strange problem earlier today in that I uploaded a video twice and it said 100% but theres no sign of it in my uploads? Thanks Bossman really appreciate this site

keep fighting bossman

One of my sons follows what this girl does all over the world. I quite sure the cars are an afterthought.

I absolutely hate the word sustainable, it’s being used to imprison us all under the guise of safety and security, and of course the government would never listen to our private conversations or do unauthorized retinal scans, given an inch the government will take miles. Anyone that needs to see proof is a gullible idiot.

I neither always disagree or agree with everything from Dr Fetzer, in the covid montage clip you have some purporting to be against the vaccine but at the same time endorsing treatments of ivermectin for something that is nothing more than the flu, how many times do many of us here have to keep repeating COVID-19 never existed it was the ploy to fool people into taking the vaccine for their depopulation agenda. I use to be a brainwashed hawk who once unlisted in the military but wasn’t excepted because of an injury I received as a teenager, I’m now glad I didn’t go to fight wars that the elites and their puppet politicians have created with Israel being behind many of them, I now see myself as a pacifist who believes we should not be involved in foreign entanglements anywhere, I don’t hate those that did fight and lost much, I feel pity for them because they were lied to as we all were, and no triple amputee or anyone else that sacrificed so much for the country they believed cared about them should ever be treated in this manner while our enemies are waved on by and given all the financial assistance they need dragging this country down while the veterans administration allows our servicemen and women to be treated like this it’s a slap in the face. The way this government sees you is summed in Henry Kissinger’s statement saying military men are dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy. I’m glad Kissinger is gone and rotting in hell.

I just listed to this nonsense. My mind is there with emphasis, stating if someone could cure Cancer it would not be a mentally ill fool in a car! Once proven, how ever extreme he or she would have to be given main stream air time. There is no cure to Cancer, there is the fundamentals, to prevent cancer ,eat a balanced diet, take all the necessary vitamins needed for the body’s health. If you don’t impede the reproductive code of the DNA with such toxins as alcohol and nicotine and there are many more You will live your distance!