
The "military base" is just a National Guard Readiness Center lol.

She blew it when she laughed several times starting at 1:50 into the video.

Well said. And I noticed he correctly left out Hitler and the National Socialists, who actually restored gun rights to the German people.

Talmud is Zionist. Most Jewish people read the Torah.

These people are lost in their own intellect. Eat the right foods, don’t ingest, inject, inhale or touch toxic chemicals, don’t over-work, live in a warm, clean environment, don’t get stressed and you won’t get sick.

May Frankie the true demon get his while he’s still here.

I saw a bunch of duping delight in this

Reading the "Riot Act" then opening fire .would solve a lot of these problems . However ,as we all know .This is precisely what "they" want . The total destruction of a once civilised society ,replaced by a totalitarian One World Covenment . Problem ,Reaction, Solution

No doubt 33, I don’t think anyone takes it seriously when I point it out, and chock it up to cherry picking, but thank you for chiming in.

Yes this was truly preventable as all these athletes were required to be vaccinated with the covid-19 injection in order to particapate in school athletics, very few parents got exemptions or withdrew their kids from these programs for the love of sports, not the wellbeing of their children, all of the parents and school administrators are responsible. Not sure if the 33 on the kids shirt was intentional or just a coincidence?

Why has WPW never been heard of before?

I think a large majority here understand this whether or not they themselves own firearms, and this is why all the slew of staged fake shootings occur chipping away at the Constitution and our 2nd Amendment rights hypnotizing people into believing that this is a public health epidemic. Michigan under Communist Gretchen Whitmer was instrumental in signing new gun edicts into law beginning February 14th 2024 (Valentine’s Day of all the dates) likely coinciding with the February 13th false flag mass casualty exercise at Michigan State University making it illegal for individuals to conduct private sales between themselves without a Federal Firearms form 4473, and of course new red flag laws will take place as well which will deny individuals the right to their property with very little legal recourse should someone falsely accuse them, forget about innocent until proven guilty, we are living in an emerging New World Order Communist Dictatorship. Those that would give up essential liberties for a little temporary safety and security deserve neither.

She says “you can leave at anytime”, but why would anyone want to leave? This sounds so wonderful!

amwakeup = 33rnberWICK = wickedrndude’s a total shill. take Jeff’s advice if you want to lose all your $ and go to hell.

I’m just wondering I could test in my 2 remaining Antigen tests, perhaps a slice of pork/chicken to replicate the human element and a Papaya fruit for a laugh. If someone donates itmight help to make an interesting experiment video

Friends and family would call me after these "events" and ask my opinion if it was real. By that time I didn’t even have to see it, I would just ask was it on all the big national news stations? They would answer "oh yeah it’s non stop all over the TV". Me................well then it’s FAKE AS F**K !!!!

A student claims he ran 2 blocks home as the shooting began, them realized he had been shot and was bleeding from a nick that could have been covered with a bandaid, and then rushed back to the school that was in lockdown to get medical treatment. Repeat after me ....... moulage same playbook, alleged shooter kills himself. Wake up and watch all the videos and comments.


Yes I’m starting to think this, its similar to cankor sores, I’ve always suffered with those and I had Bells Palsy just b4 the Scamdemic... a lot of these things they can only assign to stress and being run down..... same as colds & flu I get when I over work, just my body telling me to slow down

I want to test a "Paw Paw" fruit next, I think that is a Papaya fruit, I can buy them here easily....When I can afford to buy it I will, unless someone wants to donate to help?rnrnOne guy on Bitchute wonders if the fact the fruit is too acidic might cause a false positive