
And thinking Trump is going to hold anyone accountable or shut down the border and deport illegals or any of the things the rat claims he will do? You got to be fucking kidding me right?!

Agreed, 100% orchestrated and coordinated with the Jew owned mainstream media. Everything at this point is scripted.

So we’re back to supporting Trump the Jew owned puppet?

Been doing all of that, and more for over 25 years.

Buildings aren’t my expertise, but it is an interesting subject. They’ve lied about everything else, why not architecture? It’s a sure thing that they want everyone to believe that the civilization of today is at its pinnacle of achievement. That is very, very questionable. People have been dumbed down just enough, as to believe that twaddle.

Yes, that sums it up very well. Throw in a few controversial viewpoints, a couple differences of opinion to mainstream propaganda, and we’ve got quite a battle.

I hope all goes well, best wishes.

I know my fate by what I do. Every life matters.

COVID WAS FAKErnTHE Holocaust was a HOAXrnDONT TAKE THE VACCINErnThe vaccine made you robotsrnall Us School Shootings ARE FAKErnZionist Jews are hell bent on controlling the worldrn6 million Jews DIDNT diernrntry saying that stuff in the world today

Yep, we were all once, “the new guy “

damn jews got no sense of humor. You know they will be coming for me one day soon. Always an understanding of the inevitable.

Windows is the virus my man. Join the penguins and be free! Linux for life!

WTF? This has to be an old video. Is made many, many since then.

Ever since I uploaded this the other day and searched how to spell ’Trafficant’ correctly, my computer has been super slow. Videos take so long to load like I have dial up and then keep buffering. Seems like more than a coincidence.

I currently have one in ICU. They are stumped.

Are you serious, are you trying to suggest that he doesn’t know how to read a teleprompter or a brain chip, and his handlers let him go up there totally unprepared? this was staged IMO, to allow the VP or someone else to fill the ticket.

How about the incredible Cathedrals allegedly built 1000 years ago, without welding, etc. The timeline we’ve been told is a complete lie. Once I started watching videos about this, I was hooked. If you want to have your mind blown check out this channel. Because of your background I think you’ll be blown away by these channels and of this one as well

Occasionally I catch a glimpse of BC following in SPEW Tubes footsteps . Thankfully this HASN`T happened yet . Thus far it is still THE platform ( along with yours ) ,where there is STILL a chance of accessing truth

The old saying "Give me freedom or death " has never been more applicable

What on earth is the purpose in re airing this ? Whatever John believed then ,bears NO relationship to where he stands now. And MANY thousands would fall into that category today. We ALL make mistakes .Surely he made that abundantly clear at the end