
Now they are all "useful goy".

I wonder how all these people feel. They can’t possibly feel healthy. This is so sad.

I think Jason will find that these Blue Tooth addresses belong to the manufacturer of the brand of FrankenVaxx they were injected with. The US Supreme court opinion stated that a GMO Chimera, belongs to whoever genetically modified it. Looks like Pfizer is going to own a lot of Frankenvaxxed fools.

I think the likely reason that some people have more than 1 Blue tooth signal, is they took more than 1 FrankenVaxx shot.

Zombie Apocolypse Clause in Amazon Terms of Service!

This reminds me that Amazon Lumberyard terms of service that stated in section 42.10 "However, this restriction will not apply in the event of the occurrence (certified by the United States Centers for Disease Control or successor body) of a widespread viral infection transmitted via bites or contact with bodily fluids that causes human corpses to reanimate and seek to consume living human flesh, blood, brain or nerve tissue and is likely to result in the fall of organized civilization." This info got out to too many people so Amazon has now changed the statement to say "42.1. We may change, discontinue, or deprecate support for any third-party trust provider at any time without prior notice." But they let the cat out of the bag.

Thank You Jason.

Yeah, Screw You Tube well and truly shot itself in the nether region during the scamdemic . Once the best truther platform out there. NOW a shitty censored lying Covenment mouth piece. Even the music vids are now interrupted by their unbelievably awful tenth rate adverts. Almost totally unwatchable. In fact anyone still up and running on this crap platform IS doing something wrong.

Stupid mindless braindead face diapered piles of excrement. The bastards had better not be even considering trying on this mass collective INSANITY again

Getting to the point where even the lying Covenment vermin cannot deny what`s happening right in front of their twisted lying eyes.

waiting to attack the people like us who never took the trump juice

Agree the tyrants have to be not just dealt with but actually killed and these protests serve the exact same purpose as the videos posted here, "attention" for those still asleep and are trying to wake. Millions of sheep worldwide, not just in Germany are now asking the question "why"? So I believe they have helped "one bit" and I fully support even the smallest voice willing to speak out or protest.

Stop voting and stop paying taxes. And see how quickly you gain your freedom.

Thank you for everything you do Gary, I give monthly too and thank you for all the videos. Are you ever going to tell Dr. Fetzer you are a Flat Earther? Just kidding. Or am I?

These protests are all fine and dandy but have they helped one bit? Ask Canada how much the trucker event has changed anything. All of the mass protests throughout the word with thousands on the streets. Has anything done a bit of good? NO! Until the day we are willing to physically remove the tyrants from office the NWO agendas will keep rolling along as planned

Wow, I wonder if that Muppet at the end is lying? Maybe he really did take it! No way I would ever take any shit like this. Love the channel. Thank you for the video.

Exactly, I read that some time back as well, when prison couldn’t keep him quiet, they resort to permanently silencing him.

Died in a tractor ass ! !

Head on a swivel!! Ouch. Thank you for the video. A great reminder to be aware of our surroundings at all time.

Shit if I was stealing 52million $ a day id have them cars 2