

RUDE ! IGNORANT!,difficult%20to%20achieve%2C%20were%20possible.

I recall that phenomenon to some extent, portrayed in old movies. When people were asked to "freeze", even into the 1940’s and maybe later, if I recall correctly. Now the shutter speed and exposure can be so fast, we can capture sports action with crystal clarity. A very interesting article. This caught my attention because I’m teaching two young grandkids about the potential of photography. They enjoy seeing themselves standing on the moon, and more importantly, how it’s done. Thanks.

very good! one thing I found to improve effectiveness is instructing people what to do with that information. I found many people when presented with stuff like that (i.e., the event201) - were not only not sure of the significance of it, but if they did kind of figure it out, didn’t know what to do with that information. but very good actually posting the flyers, many ppl didn’t even do that! good job!

I know this information is mind blowing for people, even here on 153. But I got hooked researching this and can tell you the people behind this have been named and their symbols have been stamped on things so the brothers know who were responsible for this (these?) resets. The Free Masons. Does that surprise anyone?

BS. Seems as thought they had no problem taking pictures of NYC in the 1870’s. So much for your BS. Stick this where the sun don’t shine.

I feel the same way Side Thorn. Trump wants to give us the death penalty for speaking the truth about the AshkeNAZI jews. My Messiah didn’t beat around the bush with these people. He called them vipers, swine right to their face, and He knows, and He told us they are the synagogue of Satan. They gave Yahushua the death sentence and crucified Him, I think we’re in pretty good company. I’ll stick with Messiah. Have a great day Side Thorn.

TIME OF EXPOSURE IN OLD PHOTOS .The earliest photographic processes normally required exposures of many seconds, or even minutes, rendering the photography of movement impossible.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I guess MattyD had it pegged right all along.

That’s exactly right elizabeth, I could barely make it half way before stopping myself. Support for any of these Jew owned demons makes me want to puke. rnrn

One more thing to add, OMG just did a compilation on Tump, too long to show on Gary King’s IT, much of it is in Trump’s own words calling himself the father of the vaccine and that Fauci was working for him and under his direction, who can forget all of the damage we are suffering as a result of the covid lockdowns, all of those killed by the vaccines including innocent children. The Bible says it would be better for them that a millstone were around their necks and cast in to the sea for offending one of these little ones. Now we are going to support this mass murderer, Trump who has called himself THE CHOSEN ONE, needs to be tried for crimes against humanity, and Jim Fetzer thinks the lesser of 2 evils deserves our support? TWISTED LOGIC.

Right on , let’s no forget that Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel HAD NO BETTER FRIEND than President Trump, and Trump has a street named after him in the occupied Golan Heights, and also a Trump Temple coin struck with his image alongside that of King Cyrus with the inscription saying, and HE (GOD) charged me to build HIM a house in Jerusalem, ( the 3rd temple?) Either trying to compare himself as a King Cyrus contemporary, or Israel’s Jewish Messiah.

All the proof anyone needs is in examining the trajectory, the direction of the country, as each savior Prez takes his turn. Nothing changes, it only gets worse, without interruption and without exception. Trump, if re-elected, will be just another pimple on the ass of our destruction train, as the train rolls further down the tracks to our demise. Don’t worry, Be Happy!

I actually did personally observe this - not just with cheetos - but various ’corn puff’ products, grossed me out and obviously I stopped eating that crap...

I know, why doesn’t anyone else get this? There comes a time when you have to stop being polite just because he told some truth in the past, now we’re back to supporting the lesser of 2 evils, both nonetheless EVIL, both 2 sides of the controlled opposition coin.

lol... wow, interesting - maybe that was "Covid-18"! :P

I didn’t even finish watching this episode, very upsetting. I’m 67 and shame on me if I don’t see that all these Presidents that are placed there by the Jesuits in the Jesuit owned District of Columbia are scumbags. Trump is Biden on steroids when it comes to full support for Israel. Trump just called for the death penalty if you criticize Israel under their anti-Semitism laws they’re enacting. Why would anyone think Trump is better than Biden. My farm animals make more sense than most people, sad.

I personally pasted EVENT 201 f l y e r s throughout a boatload of public places .Even If only one person woke up my job was done.

Excellent! Glad to hear it! :)