
And for graphine iron oxide-black goo. Go to Kim she has bath oils to remove it..rn.

Traitors and foreign agents need to be hanged!

Nope don’t think so! Smart dust is real. I have see this exact stuff with my own eyes in MN and MO. I have heard it said one speck can hold a terrabite of information. And we are breathing in billions of them all day every day. They want an opperating system in US must EMP them to shut down their opp system. Look up. Tony Panachello not sure of spelling of last name!

sure liquid chip...but there deff are other things in the trigger cancer, to sterilize etc

They currently know how to ruin a beautiful clear blue sky! When we get a blue here comes the planes and in no time they block out the sun here in MO

This crap that’s being dished out on us is fucking ugly.

thankyou m8 nice work

The vids are an Operation Mockingbird type project. All the footage showcased on the major media outlets are fakes, cgi and actors on green screen. You should notice how each shot has at least one area that seems to be the most obvious thing in the world, like a plywood house surrounded by ashes. The actors do not interact with their environments; 20 firemen staring at nothing and a handful of soldiers standing in traffic that don’t respond to speeding cars or horns... Theyre to provoke the DEW community. I put a video together but so far no body will explain how to upload.

Somebody shut that muthafkr up for good.

Fckkk the murdering medical community. You made your bed you lie in it.

No other choice but to kill them. Lone wolf surgical strikes are the way to a better future. Kill em all.

Beautifully put together video. The whole world needs to see this.

Disgusting and revolting.

Great video. Thank you.

Yes indeed. The Germans fought the last great stand against against the Jew World Order.

Thank you!

It’s too late humanity is screwed. Pray! Donald Trump will be elected and finish his job instituting the beast system to completion.

A "diagnosis" from a "doctor" is a ticket to an early grave.

He should thank his lucky stars from wherever he is, at least he didn’t catch covid.

anyone who put a face mask on must surely of got vaxxed if you were stupid enough to ware one.