
Cash and this heart warming vid . Great combination . Thanks

Would love to see this platform regularly feature GEOENGINEERING WATCH especially their weekly updates on Global Alert News. .However thanks for bringing this dire issue to our attention

More proof. A very sad Day for Humanity..My biggest concern is how our heavenly father thinks about this! What will he say to the Jabbed? I know they were all lied too. It makes me sad. That they were duped into taking a lethal kill shot. I tried to warn people yet they still believed the Media. Safe and effective. The Devil the Father of lies did a good job. Must be why he is called the Master Deciever? Rev Chapter 12.9 The Devil Decieved the Whole World. But how? He created a counterfeit Religion so close to the truth! If it were possible it might Decieve the Very Elect. Come out of her my people. Do not partisipate in her sins and receive of her plages. Yahuah our Heavenly father is waking his chosen to the Devil’s lies. God is the Babylonian mighty one of fortune. Look it up for yourself. And the whole World Followed After The Beast. Read Study for yourself. The law was never done away with. Do not follow the. Decieved the Lawless One! The Man of Perdition. May Yahuah’s holy spirit open our eyes of understanding. Peace and Love to all..

No Worries! Sure they will put their finisher in office. If we even have an election. I thought Drump put us under Fema?

Thanks for the info. Very informative on the pharma harma. Brilliant. How they Decieved the Whole World

It’s like they get a good look at the demon or death as it is approaching them from the side or from behind. Strange phenomenon.

great vid mate, well put together

Nobody seems to notice nobody seems to care. Perhaps worst crime against the Planet and all its inhabitants. I have heard they put lithium in the clouds. And floride in the water to make us passive. The Planet is destroyed in front of everyone’s eyes and they do nothing. Wow. Unbelievable. Turned out the conspiracy theoriests were right about everything.

Trust the plan lol!

Why are jews involved in every wicked scenario? EVERY!!! Starting to see the pattern yet.?..

John 14:6  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.rn

Only the crazy people see this and point it out ! The sane it’s not real

Lithium ...

Yet everyone seems to be clamoring for Impeachment as if that means something. What a sick world. If you destroy your country for eternity, you’re fired.

I wouldn’t pray for that but let’s face it he’s a major player.

And for graphine iron oxide-black goo. Go to Kim she has bath oils to remove it..rn.

Traitors and foreign agents need to be hanged!

Nope don’t think so! Smart dust is real. I have see this exact stuff with my own eyes in MN and MO. I have heard it said one speck can hold a terrabite of information. And we are breathing in billions of them all day every day. They want an opperating system in US must EMP them to shut down their opp system. Look up. Tony Panachello not sure of spelling of last name!

sure liquid chip...but there deff are other things in the trigger cancer, to sterilize etc

They currently know how to ruin a beautiful clear blue sky! When we get a blue here comes the planes and in no time they block out the sun here in MO