
I know they used to do this in the first mission impossible TV series back in the 1960’s

Nothing pisses me off more than the climate change hoax and the constant spraying from high altitude aircraft I see they actually fly in pairs...and make sharp turns that’s absolutely not the normal flight path of commercial air traffic...absolutely sickening..

Great compilation. Definitely not CGI IMO.

It’s not hard to see that Israel’s mission is to permanently remove all the people from Gaza. Move everyone south, destroy all the buildings in the north, and vice versa. Until Gaza becomes nothing but an open-air camp full of "refugees" ready to be taken in by other countries.

This type of stuff brings credibility, the Fetzer end days era not so much.


Don’t know what to make of it, or if the same thing could be accomplished by CGI?

What’s the question???

Not that it matters much but they were a 70’s band, Barracuda came out in 1977

A true angel of Satan. The entire industry is sold out satanists. You don’t make it in the music industry unless you have sold your soul and your hole.

What a voice. She is/was an amazing singer and songwriter. Another victim of this hoax.


It’s the duty of these Talmudic Synagogue of Satan Jews to lie to the Goyim without any misgivings or guilt.

The fact that this STORY was on Oprah Winfrey twice should convince you it’s fake, all news has a certain element of truth to it so people can say see it’s true, like I was in a German concentration camp, but that may be the only truth in the whole story as we see here, the communist news networks will embellish the story to make it sound believable to the already brainwashed sheeple.

You are learning with Jew’s , for good sake.rnSapere aude

2 and 2 aren’t always equal four, when comes to Judea European mumbo jumbo historical Jew world order

Jew’s aren’t Hebrews, and Hebrews aren’t Jews, period the white Caucasian kazars control’s your mumbo jumbo narrative from day one .

LoL you need to learn to read and stop be a Jewish cabalist ? rn

I agree with all the responses here, but it wasn’t my 1st thought as I wasn’t awake back then when they came on the scene, so it’s like the end isn’t closing in on just them it’s closing in on all of us, all of these groups had Satanic influences just like the Beatles which professor Jim idolizes, what comes to mind amongst my ramblings is the Bible verse from Ecclesiastes (Solomon The Preacher) eat drink and be merry for tomorrow ye may die, but remember thou this for all these things God will bring thee into judgement.