
British Marxist George Galloway admits that he was an underground operative of the ANC and that all his "white" compatriots supporting the black insurrectionists were marxist jews.

...THAT FUNDED MARX < MARXISM < THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION AND THE JUDEO BOLCHEVIKS < THE JUDEO NEOLIBERALS (NEOCONS) ALL COME FROM THE MARXIST < LENINIST AND TROTSKYIST SCHOOLS . The institutionalization of anti-fascism has been promoted, as we have already noted above , by the Western financial oligarchy , a political-economic entity of neoliberal (for Gentiles) and Zionist (for Jews) ideology . Therefore, logically, fascism and Zionism would be politically incompatible . GALLOWAY accuses THE ZIONIST , NEOLIBERAL < PROGRESSIVE "DEMOCRATIC" STATE OF ISRAEL (the INTERNATIONAL capitalist system) of being "fascist" and, in doing so, provides it with a great service: hiding the Zionist ideology of the financial oligarchy, a true "capitalist subject" that, allied with communism, annihilated fascism in the Second World War . THOSE WHO FUNDED THE STATE OF ISRAEL AND IMMIGRATE THERE AFTER THE WAR AND THE SO CALLED HOLOCAUST (HOAX) FOUGHT THE AXIS DURING WW2

YOU HEARD HIM HE CALLED THE ZIONISTS FASCISTS WHEN ZIONISM IS THE TOTALLY OPPOSITE OF FASCISM < THE COMPLETE ANTITHESIS < ZIONISM WAS IS BACKED BY INTERNATIONAL CAPITALISM (ROTHSCHILDS) THE SAME ONES THAT FUNDED THE MARX <MARXISM < THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION < SAME ONES BEHIND NEOLIBERALISM <(NEOCONS) ALL COMING FROM THE MARXIST AND TROTSKY AND LENIN SCHOOL The institutionalization of anti-fascism has been promoted, as we have already noted above , by the Western financial oligarchy , a political-economic entity of neoliberal (for Gentiles) and Zionist (for Jews) ideology . Therefore, logically, fascism and Zionism would be politically incompatible . GALLOWAY accuses ZIONIST STATE OF ISRAEL of being "fascist" and, in doing so, provides it with a great service: hiding the Zionist ideology of the financial oligarchy BACKING ISRAEL , a true "capitalist NEOLIBERAL PROGRESSIVE "DEMOCRATIC" subject" that, allied with communism, annihilated fascism in the Second World War .


People continue to call the jabs “medical experiments”. I’ve been saying from the start these vaccines were not experimental. Do you actually believe the overlords running the world would allow something that they weren’t sure of the outcome. They knew exactly what the MRNA jabs would do to the human body.

It was painful and quite the task, but I did watch the documentary on the life of this nitwit.rnI’ve made an effort to highlight the oligarch’s promotion of highly racialized and woke black women to positions of "power" and celebrity. People need to be reminded that black African Americans, represent just 13% of the population. Their representation in the media and politics is far past equitable. It’s not about DEI, it’s throw whitey under the bus time, more than ever. rn

I like your viewpoint, focusing on the invaders and how they don’t fit into the jab scenario. Of course they wouldn’t, they want them alive and well. Thanks

Many have called her out as being a he/she.

I think all these ACT-WHORES should donate all their own money to the WAG THE DOG war in Ukraine, these are the same mutt’s that encouraged everyone to vaxx up and are calling for more gun control to stop all the fake mass shooting exercises to disarm American while there is and endless stream of unvaxxed illegal invaders many who are young military aged men who are from countries that want to see the collapse of America.

To find out how many Germans that were killed after the war read Hames Bacque book Crimes and Mercies if you can find it, It does get pricey as most book they don’t want you to read are.

Time to plug these assholes again.....

One of your better if not thee best video on what the covid hoax has and continues to do to our nation, in particular how our military has been forced to take these shots while the invaders coming across the border are not required to have them, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what is taking place, namely the complete overthrow of our once great land. Concerning Wendy Williams, I think she bumped her puny brain when she was dressed up as The Statue of Liberty and collapsed on stage (STAGED) as part of a ritual announcing the coming collapse of America.

I was there that night and filmed the FACTS. That’s why I was sent to a mental ward (twice) and fought the POS Government for 4 years-8 months-23 days. LIARS to put in nicely. I know who the rat is.

That’s a good observation. The mass shooting hoaxes all come with an excessive display of various police agencies’ presence.

At the 13 minute mark what’s the voodoo in the background.

It’s so sad to see the voodoos being handed the wealth of the world. Sittin’ around for centuries while the humans struggle and fight against all kinds of adversity and right around the time that they’ll get a pay-off for their off-spring to not have to suffer like all their ancestors did the parasites with the yamikas and the voodoos come in and say, "We’ll take that, thank you very much!" I remember the story about the hen that went around the farm yard asking for help from the other animals. "Who will help me make the cornbread" and no one would help. The when it was time to eat the animals that wouldn’t help were there for the hand-out. That’s the voodoo. You humans go off and kill each other and bomb civilians and when you come back we’ll vaccinate you to death and give you organized crime and depression and another war and the voodoos and yamikas will sit back while humans kill each other and come back home afterwards and the voodoos have been moved in to their neighborhoods. And then they force them in to schools to ruin education for humans. They shove the voodoo music over the airwaves and they push the drugs and they push the divorce and abortion and fake moon landing and Martin Lucifer drag-queen and the other hoaxes and lies about voodoo victimhood. All to get humans to hand over the wealth. And they said they’d take over the humans by means of their women. They did. And they turned men into women. And Jay-Z shits his pants every time the tranny beyonce doesn’t win an award. And baboon Whoopi Goldberg, ya’d think someone stold his bucket of chicken how pissed-off that voodoo tranny whore puts on a show. And would they even be living under a roof if it weren’t for humans. Would they be driving in cars? Now the voodoos are in charge of the u.s. military. That’s the biggest mockery. A species that never figure out the wheel is in charge of the most powerful military on earth. And they’re bringing weapons to africa. And Putin is with them, Trump is with them, all the white-skinned leaders that should be watching-out for the humans but they’ve sold us out for hundreds of years and longer! They all serve satan. And they’re pushing on television, I see, that human females should mate with voodoo-demons.

Rula Lenska was born in England in the village of Diddington, near St Neots, Huntingdonshire, in a Polish resettlement camp that had previously been the EVAC American Military Hospital. Her birth was registered in nearby St Neots. Her family are members of the Polish nobility, bearing the Pomian coat of arms,[4] and before the war owned a castle and estate in Kazimierza Wielka, Poland. Her father, Major Ludwik Łubieński, was personal secretary to Józef Beck, Minister for Foreign Affairs in Poland before the German occupation of the country. Later, he became adjutant to General Sikorski, Prime Minister of the Polish Government in Exile and was chief of the Polish military mission in Gibraltar during World War II. During the Cold War he headed the CIA-funded Polish Section of Radio Free Europe in Germany. IT IS A SMALL CLUB AND YOU ARE NOT IN IT ...

It was a shock when Mr Galloway’s name appeared on series four of Celebrity Big Brother in 2006 – but perhaps not as much as for the scenes that followed. In one utterly bizarre scene, the then ex-MP was dressed up in a cat leotard as he playfully nibbled the hands of actress Rula Lenska.