
A very young child may logically assume that an island is actually floating on water, just as their rubber ducky does in the bathtub. It’s also perfectly logical that the Affirmative Action frenzy may produce very large children in positions of authority. Take an investigative look at many of the U.S. large city mayors and more so, their staff. The staff, generally makes the mayor look smart.

No. It’s not that deep. He is just an arsehole.

I wrote my comment before I read yours, CJ. I have always known about shellac because we used to paint our woodwork with it. ’Food grade’ is a new (and nefarious) thing. And, now, citric acid is no longer lemon juice. I try not to buy things with a list of ’ingredients’ - but here, in the UK, you cannot even buy flour (anywhere, by law) that has not been ’fortified’ with half a dozen synthesised vitamins/chemicals.

French people wrap all their apples and pears (that they don’t preserve in bottles) in paper and put them on shelves (not touching each other) in their barns and cellars - and achieve a very long shelf life. I seem to remember that that ’apeel’ patent belongs to Bill Gates? I could be wrong - I read so much these days.

Good find, OMG.

Are you saying that he was controlled opposition? Can you give a pointer to where and when he said that he was compromised? I am not discounting what you say - these are genuine questions. Jordan Maxwell and Bill Cooper are linked in my mind - Jordan Maxwell revealing the esoteric deceptions and Bill Cooper linking them to our political ponerology.

Bill Clinton called Bill Cooper the most dangerous man in broadcasting, and Bill said I’ll take that as a complement, because it shows I must be doing my job.

And this clown was a congressman. What a joke.

The coroner ruled his death a homicide, because of the burnt powder stippling around the bullet entrance wound, and the angle of the wound demonstrated that he was shot from above execution style as he was kneeling on the ground. The autopsy report is available online.

Never in recorded history has anything of that nature occurred, this guy is an uneducated total retard, and we can say that on 153 without fear of repercussions from the thought police. the earth has all kinds of problems, but that isn’t one of them.

listened to alot of bill cooper years ago, they shot him dead on his doorstep a short time after 9/11, he said himself they may come for him one day, and they did.

Oh, my...

I don’t know about that, the Ball Earth is still going strong and The Masons are still swanning around Scot Free... Jordan Maxwell was compromised, he said so himself back in the day... He was told to he could say anything he wanted, but to leave them alone or else, and here we are, he’s leaving them alone and we get the usual suspects pointed at.. Unlike Bill Cooper of course whom never shied away from them... Like i said before, i think people believe what they want to believe, especially if it makes them feel good about themselves or worse, superior, which is always a route to disaster..

153news is the best website by far

Thank you!

I had never seen the "Phony Fake Show" pants. Very cool!

Really appreciate it brother. Still watching but the demons are close. Thanks for all you do!

153news, our last chance for moral certitude.

Look into the carnivore diet. We shouldn’t be eating grains at all and fruits and vegetables are why overrated with very little bioavailable nutrients. We could get all our daily requirements for nutrition from just red meat and eggs. These are the most nutrient dense foods we could eat. Buy from a farmer if you can. Even if you have to drive a long distance, it’s worth it. You can buy a chest freezer and buy meat in bulk. Unwashed eggs from a farm will last 6 months in the fridge. I’ve been eating this way for 5 years and I’ve never felt better. Check out Dr Ken Berry on Jewtube.

Thanks chap, appreciated..