
Info Crypt ) - ITS NOT HARSH, at the end of the day these people dragged us through shit, if they had the same mindset as us and said fuck you, you globalist lying bastards, we could of ended it soon after it started, blind compliance is what keeps the hoax alive. so no, your quite right.



Stupid brainwashed parents, I’m sure they got paid for what is in essence sacrificing their children to Baal or Molech. That woman doesn’t deserve to have the gift of children as she sets there duping in an interview discussing her child’s affliction which she alone is responsible for. Another parent talks about losing his child 33 days after being vaccinated? And people still think that the practice of sacrificing their children to Demonic Deities was abandoned long ago.

Sorry if this is a little harsh but the virtue signalers can all Rest In Piss.

Tbh, at first I was like wtf.. how do you mean it was fake??? however... upon further examination and many facts around the event, just as it happening the same day Rothchild died... I am starting to rethink this. Plus, wouldn’t there be laws against the police just instantly releasing the footage of the fire, on the exact day that it happened no less? Before a investigation or anything was even done? Doesn’t seem likely UNLESS it’s not real. We need to dig more on this.

BawHahahaha... so fake...

Pretty decent informative video, until the pitch for another cup of java, I hope people, will take their extra pocket change and make a donation to153 from here on in going forward, that aside I like your work.

Good eye. We have the whole multicultural thing going on, too. And the former girl from the military plugging she and others in the military feel like him.


If anybody buys this from the fake weather personalities, they have rocks for brains, and are no better than a beast. See The Healthy American with Peggy Hall on YouTube, and see what they are DEW-ING, They DEW in fact have plans for another UN smart city.

All well and good .However just as there are "Christians" and Christians . I would have classed myself Zionist in the Biblical definition. ie Christ ( the REAL one ,and NOT the fake one, Israhell is preparing for ) is gonna set His Kingdom Rule from Zion .

One last thing to point out....on Trunews...."Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev gave NATO nations a dire warning that his country is fully prepared to unleash its entire arsenal of strategic weapons on Washington, London, and Berlin if Russian leaders believe their country’s survival is threatened." Take note of lack of threat towards Israel.

Life is like a chess match. They have called ’Check’ on the world. Jews over Gentiles.