
Great analysis ! BS HOAX !

I’m not buying this fake wound as it refers to Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his DEADLY WOUND was healed and all the world wondered after the Beast. .... I appreciate Max Malone and his work on these fake hoaxes and shootings, but I think he is way rnoff base on his interpretation, Does this look like a DEADLY WOUND to you? QUESTION EVERYTHING.

It’s a win win for all of them...#1 it’s a distraction from Bidens health problems. #2. more votes for Trump. #3 They can go after the Ar type weapons. #4 They will downplay political violence. I also noticed the audio of this video sounds like it’s in a studio ...unless that echoing is from your own living room.

where did you get this video, was it from youtube. peekay is a top bloke, he was subbed to me

Thomas Matthew CROOKS, alleged shooter, does any of this sound familiar to you? Alleged shooter immediately identified and shot dead. Your brain is full of Trump Mush if you believe Bull Excrement.

So, socialism.

Another important reason to support content at 153news anyone posting content calling this out on Mainstream.and Social Media will be silenced IMMEDIATELY. Please donate to 153News

Thanks, you and Max Malone are good at pointing out impossibilities

Exactly, ORANGE MAN 2 is another plant IMO

She is wearing what appears to be a string bracelet also known as a Kabbalah bracelet just like the ones that Madonna wears Alex Baldwin, George Clooney, Simon Cowell and all the other Masonic Act-Whores.

Funny how no one was hit behind him when 7+ shots where at him. The only people shot where never shown.. LOL Fake as Fuck..rnrn

In a real assassination attempt anyone with a camera or any other object in their hands would be a potential suspect and Secret Service guns would be pointed at them telling (screaming) at them to get down and telling them to drop whatever is in their hands, instead they are allowed to carry on with the charade.

Also look at the real footage. The lady in black sunglasses gives it away. She’s sitting on the right hand side. She can’t keep from smiling dupers delight. Great video. Thank you for all the hard work.

So fake. WWE

this footage has been doctored!! WWE!! on the original footage watch the lady in the black sunglasses on the right hand side. She gives the whole thing away with Duper delight. She can’t stop smiling, so she has to look away from the camera. And no one in the crowd ran for their life? No way. This footage has been zoomed in to cut her out at the end. Find the real footage and you will see what I’m talking about. Trump is a Muppet.

He says that they won’t let this define them , but it will define our God giving rights from here on out

32 on my screen

Another smiling crisis actor

yes, always the standard procedure

Standard operating procedure...