
Thanks chap, appreciated..

Kroger and all the food congloms are friggen evil. They are almost all "bio-engineered" now. Green house, pure natural soil, heirloom, and protect. Its about all we can do now.

I’ve been in sales and marketing for over 40 years. I am thinking we need some of kind of slogan or motto as well as on T shirts, and stuff. Last of the Mohegans kind of thing, that would make someone say, hey that sounds cool, and check it out on their smartphone right then. It has to be short, of course, like Last of the Mohegans. But I’d like to buy some gear that advertised 153. I would like to request people make suggestions for a cool slogan or motto. I was thinking of stuff like - Realities Last Stand - or - If you can handle the truth - . I want us to stand out for what we are. The last REALITY BASED video platform on earth. Maybe I’ll do a video about this tomorrow. But please start to think about a cool motto or slogan that describes us, so we can get people’s attention. I think most of us know It is how marketing works.

Thanks for your comment, well done.rnMore than 9 million Germans died as a result of deliberate Allied starvation and expulsion policies after World War II―one quarter of the country was annexed, and about 15 million people expelled in the largest act of ethnic cleansing the world has ever known.rn

Thanks for your continued research, that’s what makes this all worthwhile. Link to episode-8

Brother, you are an amazing source of knowledge. So happy to have met you here at 153.

Don’t trust a product just because they claim it has all natural ingredients, and as this fellow points out you can no longer trust food because it say organic, I am not being hypocritical about this and like the rest of you may succumb to the illnesses these foods with man made toxins cause as I’m unable to produce a garden where I live, right now I’m counting on sprouting from heirloom seeds to help take the sting out of these toxin laded foods. We are being subjected to poisons from multiple angles, by big corporations.

I had this conversation with a Kroger representative as their organic apples do not decompose like normal apple’s, I questioned her about Apeel, backed by Bill Gates, and food grade shellac, which is actually from the shell of the female Lac bug, most of these foods are categorized by you friends at the FDA as GRAS, Generally Recognized As Safe, she said because of customer pushback they no longer use those products but instead use citric acid, sounds natural and great RIGHT? But looking in to it further I discovered that citric acid is made from the mold of GMO corn and it has never been tested for safety (Aspergillus Niger), if this is wrong please correct me, but this is my understanding of it. Here is what Pub Med has to say about it.

Thanks for the video. Anyone know where to find more of this guys information?

I agree, I’ve been shown the injection is a mother board. Also wifi signals on one trillion dollars worth of cell tower upgrades by the Rump (a.k.a.Drumpf) strengthened the hi freq waves stimulating , agitating graphene oxide modified and coated with aborted fetus brain stem protein cells which deceives the God created immune system.

My phone’s signal seems to be interrupted by vehicles passing by just 25’ away...? It’s nice to be here. I’ll contribute to the effort.

George Galloway is just another narcissistic nobody...another, temporarily, useful idiot. If he was more than that, he would have been more visible, over the last thirty years. I am guessing that he didn’t pass all of his his initiations - but they had enough on him to keep him in reserve, anyway. And...financially, he must be feeling the pinch since RT was banned.

I will assume that means Coors Banquet as well? The only beer I ever drink. Thats just great news. Good thing for me I rarely drink.

You’ll find The Scottish and Swiss have pulled the wool over the eyes (being polite) of most... It’s a Masonic Control System, The Scottish Rite and Swiss Octogon being top of that tree, one War (BlackRock/MIC), one Financial (Vanguard/BIS) and both everything in-between...

We thank YOU Brother!

Funny how he shoots up queer beer but support Israel and killing off the Gaza people. Called paying the piper who allowed him to get big. He still controlled by Jews as all or most people who are famous

From the old collectionrn

Thanks Bossman!

You mentioned SIDETHORN, but I haven’t seen any videos or comments from him and was wondering if he’s ok? Miss your vid’s and comments, Hang in there SIDETHORN!

Hi Jason, with regards to your vids on ’uncategorized’, I wonder if the recent changes on my phone might have anything to do with it: For the last 14 days or so, I have had a second Bluetooth symbol pop up when I first turn on my phone. It is weaker (gray instead of white on the black background) and disappears after the first couple of minutes. VERY ODD. Do you think they might be getting ready to connect ’them’??? This is on a couple of diffent countries’ networks in eastern Europe. Would appreciate your opinion...