
I wonder if the banking computer systems will be affected?

This would likely apply to most manufacturing in the USA today.

And a unrelenting printing of money to give to them to help devalue the dollar.

Looks like the governor of Michigan Wretched Whitmer.

All a bunch of crap, this is what they want you to believe from the mainstream news, solar flares because then there is no one to blame but God, when actually it’s your own government that would be causing such an event, more terrorism by government to get you to submit to their plans for world domination, just flash a CGI image of a solar flare over the TE-LIE-VISION and the bleating sheeple will believe anything, the covid scam has already proven that.

They are already implementing such a plan with what they claim are wildfires but are actually caused by Direct Energy Weapons. Rosa Koire author of Agenda 21 Behind The Green Mask said it will be very easy to get you off your land and herd you into these 15 minute cities where you will be monitored 24/7 (spied upon).

I said along time ago that terrorist could easily inject fruits and vegetables with pathogens to spread diseases and death, but to think that our own government is considering it or more likely already doing it is criminal and terrorism by government and the sentence for anyone involved in such a dastardly plan should be death.

Trump and Biden must have sold their soles long ago. Working for the Devil means He’ll to pay. The Wicked will recurve the reward of the Wicked. The Lake of Fire. So sad no one should ever want to go their. Selling one’s sole for a bowl of beans. Few short years of fame and fortune. Is it really worth it?

Andreas made an excellent comment. I believe he is spot on! I suspect they have been using the military as ginny pigs for a long time. I suspect and think these experimental jabs.ha right. No they are not experimental. They probably have Decades of experiments with these technologies. Only after they have perfected these weapons would they release them world wide. This plan was well thought out. And it was well executed. The world fell for it. We all are likely in grave danger. What will their next move be? Destroy the food supply. Start WW3? A zombie Appoc ? Take away all cash money? It’s my opinion that we all must prepare to stand before Yahuah the creators of heaven and earth. He will require each of us to give Account for how we lived our lives! My advise take it or leave it is.. Get out of the Churches. Study the Bible for your self. Call on Yah and go through his son Yahusha in your prayers. Scripture tells us if they speak not according to the law and the prophets their is no light in them. You need no man to teach you call on the holy spirit. Keep yah’s commandments. Love your enemies and Love your neighbour as your self. Without love we are just marking a lot of noise. Banging gong or clanging cimble.Most my family took the kill shot. It deeply saddens me. I pray you all stay strong. Resist do not give in even if it cost us our lives. Let no man steel your Crown. Peace and love to you all..

I agree with all the comments! Millions have already taken the kill shot. Their admission is a day late and a dollar short. Most my family took the shot. I am very saddened by this. My sister refused to watch any of the video’s I tried to Gurley her to watch. She told me their was too many conspiracy theories out their and she did not trust my sorces!! I knew from the beginning it would turn people into trans human siborgs! It is all over but the crying..Yahuah our maker is our only hope. Cry out to him! Pease and Love to you all..

Great reply, Thanks

Thanks for the great reply.

This looks like laying the groundwork to allow Trump to remain a champion of vaccines without looking bad, allowing the blame to be pushed on agencies that didn’t have the right procedures in place. Trump gets to wash his hands of genocide and Big Pharma gets absolved.

You pretty much nailed it in that last sentence. I think his Fox firing was staged nonsense in an effort to appeal to a broader audience by talking about things like 911 that were settled years ago.

Insane and disgusting. Quick question: Why wouldn’t they want to place the ads in the (device of the) user, who would visualize the ads unconsciously, without having to pay them some (small) amount of cryptocurrency? Couldn’t they just broadcast the ads to the (device of the) user - without having to pay anything? Or are they going to pretend that the user is an independent entity - and must give his/her consent to see these ads unconsciously? If so, is the user going to be induced to agree by being offered some crypto?

2-Demensional Graphene Bio Chipping Inside the Body Fluids for the Purpose of Receiving & Transmitting Data From & To The Cloud - All Powered by Light-Driven Graphene For Nanoscale Electrical Currents,h_431,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/fbbf2b_f2f25ead92134ec6ae89afcc960070e5~mv2.png



Both parties are playing a WWF wrestling match of bullshit upon THE PEOPLE. The system is so broken that it would take a total overhaul to fix it the way it should be without elitist pigs buying out everyone to do their bidding.

Father Coughlin on the International Bankerrn