
I would nnever believe this is happening in such a company

Addicted to the drama ! The people are !

All Political theater ! Spot on MattyD !

Oct 7...The Man In The Paraglider Trick.....Watch the Danny Bonaduce vs Donny Osmond : The Fight JAN 17 1994 by Jonathon Brandmeier then go see and see the copycat action that took place

H.B. = House Bill referring to Bill 15090 - If I could upload a photo here of the declassified item I would. Perhaps this may help you with your research.

Yes, but it’s a black thing because 72% of black kids grow up without a father. There are hundreds, if not thousands of videos of blacks fighting everywhere from Walmart’s to McDonald’s, etc. There is nowhere near as many of all whites fighting like they do. In fact, to even find one, other than maybe English soccer thugs, is difficult. IMO welfare etc, has intentionally destroyed black families. I’ve personally seen what it did to my own sister. Destroyed her life.

Couldn`t miss that other waste of space polishitian Christine Grahame , who has NEVER addressed ANY issue I have raised with her over the past decade at least . However it`s the same with ANY of these self seeking charlatans ,regardless of stripe or flavour.

any first grader can tell ya. If something gets shot, the bullet pushes it. In all videos. the final shot, his head goes BACKWARDS. I believe he was shot from the bridge

On another note, this nanobiotechnology injections (assuming they are) certainly have the capability to transmit signals internally at 30Hz or less which has been known since 1969 i know of causes disruptions in the central nervous system manipulating thoughts, emotions, and biomechanics. Hence a cyborg or a remote controlled human basically. Assuming this is the case as jbossman states, being it would basically be a transceiver of sort transmitting a mac address and receiver for gates programming, i’m deep diving into it’s power source at the nano level. I want to know is it a chemical reaction (graphene oxide), hydraulics(blood flow), mechanical (body movement), vibration (emf, accoustic, ultrasonic,), etc., and if so how is the signal amplified from 30Hz to a 2.4 GH signal capable of being read with a BLE scanner. Anyone want to chime in on this?

Right i do not know of anyone either. Steadily watching the ones i know who fell for the shit and got the shots though which are very few as the gubment tries to keep me isolated as much as possible. EX-federal employee. Got replaced by niggers, black and white niggers. Funny thing is all the white niggers that went against me got shitcanned too. Karma is a bitch. Oh let me back up, i do know of one, a cycle cell dude that suffered from asthma, young guy, croaked, an old ex-friend, wasn’t as smart as he thought he was after all. All his black friends and co-workers were scared to point out the clotshot as the cause because they did not want to agree with me, a white guy. Since i was kicked out of that federal facility mid 2000s, a ton of young, middle aged, and old people have croaked under strange circumstances that worked there. Each and every one tickles me. Enough rambling inspired by the mouse over man on the video.

It also has the injected and PCR tested emit mac addresses. Don’t believe? Get a BLE scanner and see yourself (or an old offline off-brand like Xiaomi phone that has not been updated since mid 2022). BLE is 2.45 GHz, hot inside body and up to 300’ around all of the time. How would it affect our health? Since they hide it by disabling phones’ capability to show even with show ’re-named’ on, almost no one sees them now. Do they go away after a few years? I don’t see that. What is interesting is the jabbed seem to have no wish to know. They, like Dr. Malone, Steve Kirsch, and Dr. John Campbell, etc, themselves injected and all talk about injuries and clotting, but would not touch this BLE topic. Do MRNA and BLE work together to make people react and think only certain ways now? What will they put in the ones come out this fall?

Unless you can prove this clip is inaccurate with some type of other video, I can’t take you seriously. And, Cooper spoke about seeing naval intelligence documents about it, as well. Unless you have actual proof, I believe Bill Cooper, not you.

Logic says you are right. I agree. After all he’s been through, he still can say he’s not against vaccine’s.

I agree. What possible rationalization can the parents have? Latent congenital defect? Shit just happens? We all knew there was risk? Luck of the draw? We never really loved him anyway? What part of your brain has to be not functioning to have a child die from a socially forced gene therapy induced death without even questioning it? It makes me feel like we live in an asylum. Personally, I do not know anyone (directly) that has been seriously injured or died from this atrocity. I keep seeing the videos about it, but here in the Land of the Blue Meanies, there isn’t much talk about side effects or death. Maybe they’re all brain damaged? I just don’t get it.

Around here the past 3 days the news has been propagating that measles are on the rise.

The Biological jew 1967 by Eustace Mullins

First i question H.B. no such thing, never has been. H.R. for House of Representatives, the appropriations bill of 1970. The only thing H.B shows up on is run by Rivera who i have followed from day one who drastically changed once the govt busted his butt for making shit up and a juuutoob video, which anybody can made and say whatever they want without proof. Same thing for your Operation Trojan Horse you reference. Are you a shill. They start giving the smallpox vaccine to 1 and 2 years old. Are you saying they know a 1/2 year old is already a homo.

If that were true, i’d support that.