
Reminds me of Orwell`s warning in 1984 regarding kids of Big Brother and The Party turning into spies and thugs . And does not Scripture state that in The End Times "children shall be you`re oppressors ,and "women" shall have dominion over you " ?

Nice to see some good news from " down under" for a change

For the safety of the mother and possible harm to himself, he needs to be arrested. After he is arrested and read his rights, I would take that phone in front of his face and smash into a million pieces while he is being taken to jail. This ’child’ has serious anger issues and possible mental imbalance issues requiring psychiatric care and possibly drug therapy. Even a denied meth addict doesn’t do that to his own home.

He needs to pay reparations for all this damage and tears he caused his mom, never should have had a phone in the first place, no dad in the home and only a mother who pampered him.

Puts a tear in both eyes. Way to go people.

I’ll give em 12 hours before it’s somebody else’s fault. See her red hair. The new normal strikes again. Is there a gofundme up and running yet.

Never give up any of your can never get them back.

Did he get released without bail yet?

It’s the law in the state of Michigan, but no doubt the story’s fake.

Who cards a 33 yr old for cigarettes?

You have the Mother of Harlrts The Vatican=defining serpents and she has over 400 prostant daughters. It’s the counterfeit Religion a lawless Religiin. Come out of her my people. Do not Participate in her sins and revive of her plages! Get out of the Churches they are all leading people into hell. I know not of one teaching truth. If they speak not according to the law and prophets it is because their is No Light in them..

Who is the Beast ? Scripture tells us that the Whole World Followed After the Beast. Well w who do you think is influencing the Whole World! The Pope would you agree? As well as King Charles. Top mason in the world! Breast and false prophet. In order to have the Mark one must do 3 things! #1 have the false image of the true missiah’s Name. #2 you must worship him/Worship is to serve him. #3 you must take his Mark . I would say blue tooth mac address would be fitting. Don’t get mad at me. Research this for yourself prove me wrong. In the Greek translation it gives us the name of the false messiah. Let us reason what is the false image it is the name of a man and his name is SaiKai Sigma . It gives us his name Jesus H Christ=Sai Kai Sigma. If you have his name you worship him and receive his mark. The X.= Christ and you have an operating system in your head how can one repent. If you can hurry and do so perhaps you have not been fully taken over. May Our heavenly Father Yah and our messiah his son Yahusha bless all of our understandings. Peace and love

Time to donate, don’t hesitate, time’s running out again, do your part please, use that monopoly money for something worthwhile (153news) before it becomes worthless.

And twice for me! Let’s try to knock some sense into him.

Phil, what does a female rapist say? I prefer to be well informed in the event of such an awful circumstance.

He forgot to mention all the boats in the ocean that got torched!

He needs a new hair stylist?

The last video was edited. His forehead wrinkles suddenly disappeared in the last few seconds. Also, throughout the video, he was without wrinkles nor eye bags and very smooth and youthful looking below the eyes, but full of wrinkles on forehead. They are obvious in

Cellphones are the key. The first thing they give foreign invaders is a cellphone. It’s getting increasingly harder for everyone because of evolving technology, to dispense with their mobile tracking device.

Jones needs a brain transplant; his old one has stopped working. His former wife’s brain transplant is working just fine.