
It’s up to each individual to ’prosecute’ his/her own case. The only true justice in this world is street justice. You can be a man and cry like this dude or you can grab your boot straps and become a warrior, a warrior for your own justice. It’s fight or flight. I do not feel sorry for this dude, he chose his path, there was information out there, plenty of people were vocal, yet he chose blind compliance. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. 1) He was a teacher with that level of intelligence, what the hell was he teaching the kids. 2) He was a Californian, that speaks volumes in itself. 3) WTH is that shirt he has on, symbolic of his passion, looks like a foreigner or blackie. Was he a traitor to his own race. 3 strikes you’re out buddy.


all sorts of high tech crazy shit used for enslaving humanity

You could just imagine what the controllers have in their toolbox.

I could never take Cooper seriously after seeing this clip. I couldn’t understand how he could be so adamant, but wrong about this ridiculous theory. It was just a reflection, and then to go on about it being a CIA pneumatic weapon, with shellfish toxin etc. Stating this as absolute fact the way he does here.

MMR jab was designed to target a gene in black boys to cause Autism.

He is among billions with injuries. And nobody will ever pay for killing off the world. All the faceless puppet masters are just laughing as humanity dies off.

The only meme I saw missing was the one of Trump shaking hands with Lucifer and asking him, "how am I doing father?" And Lucifer responding saying "you’re doing terrific son and I’m so proud of you"

1st off don’t stop posting, your viewpoints and insight are spot on and needed. You nailed it again. It’s clearly jews over gentiles and all the gentiles are infighting. Everything that is going on in the US leads right back to the jews and Israhell and their immoral demons. EVERYTHING. From them stoking the fires of racial divide for a highly desired race war here to them pretending to be neutral with russia and trying to start a nuclear war between the US and russia playing both sides, the same thing the CIA and US Military does under the direction of the jew bastards. The immorality of the jews are seen in just about every american issue past and present. You can not save those that do not want to be saved. Maybe the people you keep around you are the wrong people to be around in the first place which will lead to an early death.

I don’t know which is worse, listening to you or listening to to the state of our country via the news, and I say that respectfully, because the message is the same, we are doomed as a nation, the whole world is doomed the only difference is the news claims that Biden will save our democracy, and all that’s left is preaching to the choir. Plato said, Dictatorships naturally arise out of Democracies, glad your back just the same.

Black friends my ass. You are supporting the agenda and a traitor if you feel that way. I thought many many times that i had a black friend until they got around other blacks and turned on me. Several times when the heat died down the individual would come back with bullshit like well you know how it is. Trickery. Now it’s 90% black around here. It’s a black and white issue, if you are not a nigger then you are a nigger lover. And nigger lovers are worse than niggers.

To destroy the white race inter breed and kill all whites and lets don’t forget the push of white/black relations to our kids?? Nothing against blacks per I have many black friends but wtf

all vaccines are dangerous and CDC own documents prove they knew the whole time vaccines cause autism.

An excellent video. Everyone needs to watch this. Sadly it is too late for many. Millions probably Billions have already been injected with the COVID lethal Weapon . Most my family were duped Decieved into taking the shot. It is hard to watch them with their health problems knowing they do not have long to live. The Devil and his Minions have been working very hard. Cry out to Yah he is our only hope. Read his book. Follow all his laws. Get out of the Churches.They only teach partial truths and also lies. We will all stand before our maker Yahuah very very soon. Peace and love to you.

Isaiah 3:12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.rn

Yes. Those of us in the know enough, by April 2020 are very fortunate. When I hear even the vax victims saying things like "I’m not against vaccines" it’s very puzzling to me. I suppose it does take some effort to break the lifelong brainwashing. I’m still in the process.rnMy "Virus Mania" book arrives soon.rn

what’s everyone’s opinion on this video of the alternate ending of the jfk shooting?

here’s a congressional hearing where they play with the gun

What about this video that has the alternate ending of the jfk shooting?

Excellent video, and heartbreaking, destruction is in the wake of these vaccines.