
It wasn’t the masks, it wasn’t the conformity, it wasn’t the insanity of it all.. It was the complete and total loss of humanity and compassion that caused me the most anguish. Our 21 yr old neighbor kid that grew up with my son dropped dead of a heart attack while taking his morning shower shortly after his frankenshot. He was a beautiful kid with his whole life ahead of him. Nobody spoke of it, questioned it, nothing. I personally know/knew quite a few close fam-friends-aquaints that are now either dead or seriously harmed. All human empathy and logic is vanishing from the western world.

He and Ade Edmonson were simply perfect together and the series was genius - RIP Rick. A great video Dissident, one poignant part was the serious nature and expression of his face at the beginning warning is about the man behind tv, predicting his death and to get rid of our TV’s……he was deadly serious and the comedy genius he was, showed he clearly was speaking directly and warning the audience.

I wish you would look into the James Files jailhouse interviews of which their are several and listen to why he said he went along with the plot to kill JFK as he backed out on the Bay of Pigs Invasion allowing many of the men he trained to be captured and tortured during their imprisonment, and those that were killed during the botched invasion. I found the interview to be compelling.

rn The Proclamation Of London 1949 - The European Liberation Front - Francis Parker Yockeyrn

You chose well.

I heard it was debunked as well, I have heard so many theories it’s hard to know what is true, James Files also claimed he was responsible for shooting JFK with a 222 fireball pistol, but he himself could have been used as a diversion, It was also said that Texas Governor John Connally exclaimed "my God THEY are going to kill us all" as there were multiple shooters, as was pointed out in the documentary, JFK to 911 EVERYTHING IS A RICH MAN’S TRICK (3:27:55 min) JAMES FILES JAILHOUSE INTERVIEW.

I’m always open to new information. I’m looking forward to your video.

I’ve been a long time follower of Jeff Rense. He is one of the true originals. I just selected a few of the many very cool memes he has on his site. He’s done a ton of very good work for many, many years.

Look up H.B. 15090 - DOD (Department of Defence) document stating they targeted millions of Africans and white homosexuals and infected the with AIDS laced smallpox vaccines (Operation Trojan Horse)

I have sustained over 100 tooth punctures between both hands and my arms. I was in some crazy fights, on the ground with teeth all around me as I am trying to stop some gang war or a 2 and sometimes 3 on 1. I have had more injuries in these last 5 years than my entire life altogether and I wouldn’t trade it for all the gold in the world. I got to be an alfa among alfas and got to experience life existing within a dog pack. Dogs will never lie to you, steal from you (maybe food) nor will they emotionally try to hurt you. I wish humans were more like dogs. Dogs are more civilized.

RIP Bill Cooper. The one man that had the guts to stay the course and never waiver.

Put your video where your mouth is and upload the video that disproves this then.

What an awsome video. Deep respect for all friends of doggies. I have a large pack like that too i call my crew. It cost a small fortune however worth every penny. I’d rather have a thousand dogs in my life over 1 person. Looks like such a peaceful environment. Wish i could live in peace like that instead of this rat infested shithole i am stuck in.

This isn’t a black thing, this is a discipline thing. Any child that doesn’t have proper discipline growing up will become a monster. Spare the rod, spoil the child.

he used to be funny in Bottom

No doubt that this 12 year old psychopath will end up in prison or dead. Likely both.....Reminds me of the teacher who got jumped and horrifically beaten by another black youth because he had his phone confiscated by her.

I hate to disappoint you guys but that is a reflection on the head of Roy Kellerman, you need to take a closer look at the video, in this grainy version of the Z-film it really does look like it but in higher quality videos it is easily disproved. I have done extensive research into this matter and it is a reflection. I am a huge Bill Cooper fan but he got it wrong this time. I will play this clip in the next Inconvenient Truths and Jim and I will discuss it.


There is a patent for that gas gun too.

Sorry ,I`m completely jaded and disbelieving of ANY of these "events" nowadays. Also cannot bear to watch /listen to those scrawny hybrid clone reportwhores