I’d buy the individual topic ones as presents for friends and family. What good is this info when it’s all heaped up in a jumbled database where the people who come here to learn can’t easily access the info? They look at the first page and go. What if it was organized enough that they could just click a topic and have everything appear instantly, starting with the actual footage of said event then an archive of all the videos that touched on it?
Please Jason. Don’t shut down the site, sell out to advertisers, or pander for donations to just keep bobbing along, sell the gold you have to us. Feed the fish so they can feed you.
You could not only sell the entire library as is, you could also make individual items that contain all the videos and evidence for a particular subject like the Boston bombing, sandy hoax, covaids, or trumps fake assassination. Strike that last one, somebody here would have to make a video proving it’s fake first, but for other topics it would be great! You could put that search engine to use because it doesn’t work well for me. I would buy two of the entire collection. One for me and one to burry as a time capsule.
Wow! Did I touch a nerve? It’s just constructive criticism. I love this site at least as much as you. I’d just like to see it improve so that maybe it could reach more people though. That’s why we’re here right, to learn and spread more truth? Hey Jason, any chance you could copy the vids here to drives and sell them? That way the truth could live on even if this site goes? I would love it if you could turn it into a profit for yourself Jason because if anyone or thing deserves to be paid, it’s you for the wonderful and selfless service you and your family have provided.
I am thinking of changing my name to childless cat lady.
Yes. The snipers taking pictures and observing him beforehand, putting a lie to claims he bypassed all security personnel.
There are many deserving Academy award nominees this year. Biden, Trump, Harris, and now this guy have deceived, I’m guessing at least 90% of Americans.
I don’t have a problem searching for videos. Furthermore, you haven’t created one video or donated a nickel. Who gives a shit what you think. Go back to Jewtube
X- previously Twitter says video doesn’t exist, exactly that’s how they scrub everything of importance, not a freedom of speech platform as Musk would have you believe, just another MSM rag.
The victims - are they real? If so, the patsy scenario is more likely in my opinion
3. when I saw the iconic photo with US flag for the first time, I was like THIS MUST BE STAGED and I am still open to this option but you bring no prove only the idea that videos from certain angle are missing plus the people are not panicking
2. the middle blood stream is visibly stirred over face
1. I heard he was hit by a shrapnel, not by bullet
Supposed to say nail. See if you can find it.
You’re missing a key piece of evidence here. This vid is from a reputable and traceable source. It is another mail in the coffin.
It’s too bad that most of the videos here are lost forever anyway because the search function is so dysfunctional.
Saw a video here of Trump visiting some Las Vegas Shooting crisis actors in the hospital, what else to you need to rnknow to prove he is not on the side of truth, I think that’s when Trump came out and said he didn’t like bump stocks. FU Trump.
Yes, just like the MSM puts up 24/7
Real fake video images, whoever showed the video of the dummy shot in the face could you please leave the link, I saw it once but I can no longer find it.
Thank you brother, You’re the best