
The Vatican aka Jesuits and their jew buddies running the new Rome, USA is the whore of Babylon

oh yeah I love Jeff too, I don’t care what anybody else says about him. And it’s so nice that this dog Bruce is taking Lucy spot. Jeff is very inspiring to a lot of people. Long live 153 news.

I hope your new job works out great for you, sometimes a change is best. And I’m just like you the biggest way to start a fight in my house with my wife, is if I come in and find the mainstream news or local news on TV. And this was about five years ago. Needless to say we don’t watch the news either. Glad to know you’re doing well. And I hope you keep making videos.

Peekay is one of the best. Him breaking down the Boston Marathon with David Weiss, and calling the lady a big brown cow was spot on glad to know he still around.

I watched a video of Peekay’s on the Boston marathon bombing a good few years ago and this was the moment I awoke, so even if he is a shill which I don’t think then I am eternally grateful to him.

The "malls" and consumerism, over consumption, trends, keeping up withe the Jones,, is what lead to our destruction. I remember when I was a child I knew a fella who’s mother made his clothes. We laughed. I look back now and think how fuckin cool was that? To be able to make your own clothes, your own "style". How cool would it be to never ever again see people walking around like pathetic billboards.

Cucker Tarlson

I think it’s in here, but I don’t want to pay for it.

Was the RFK assassination a hoax also? Why fake JFK, but then kill RFK for real?....................doesn’t make much sense to me.

The pressurized pizza dome flat earth model he is promoting is a controlled NWO Freemasonic release.rnAccording to the model he is promoting, it would be impossible for the sun to ever rise and set South of East and West for anyone living on the Tropic of Capricorn.rnGo to time and date dot com and look up Sao Paulo, Brazil on December 22, 2019. Sunrise occurs at 116 degrees and Sunset occurs at 244 degrees. This is well South of East and West.rnThis is a major debunk of the NWO Freemason pressurized pizza dome model.rnOn 12-14-24, they plan to show 24 hour daylight in Antarctica debunking their own model, making Christians who invested in it look foolish, and drawing Flat Earthers back to the other false model of Jesuit Heliocentrism.

Always assume that everything you hear is a lie until proven otherwise. Romans 3:4 "Let YHWH be true, and every human being a liar."

Many years past I had laid the JFK assassination to rest as a probable hoax as the preponderance of the evidence pointed to such. Can we ever be 100% certain? Of course not. However, it does match the modus operandi of today’s powers that shouldn’t be, and we do know that they like to recycle their tricks.

Caravan to Midnight with Jong B Wells was a good one on The Boston Bombing, but whatever became of all that exposure that John had?. that video my still be up on Bitchute or maybe here in the archives on 153.

MattyD have you been to . You would like it !

I really miss Peekay. I know he still puts out a video now and then but it’s not the same as it was when he was breaking down all the fake events. I know a lot of people believe he is a shill but he has an ability to catch little details in a staged event which proved the fakery.

It’s good to have front line people such as yourself to keep us informed. I’ve often wondered how people would handle a second government effort at this genocide. I wish you well, Thanks for informing us.

The murdering bastards are opening closed down shops in once thriving Malls here in Scotland as PERMANENT vacctermination centres.

You could say that Matty is just as set in his ways just as is the Professor, and it’s hard to admit it when your wrong, I was that way myself.

this guy loves the sound of his own voice

I don’t care what anybody says about Jeff, I thoroughly enjoy his walk and talks. He is a truly likable dude. Thanks so much for sharing!