
What a bunch of BS !

Thumbs up for the comments, this was so badly done from every logical angle, but they want you to believe so they will bring out all the fake witnesses to ensure that you believe it.

What a BS Hoax !

Masked fools and the Gun Stealing Agenda

Fake mass shootings ! Drug wars are real !

They also carried a supposed victim out by his feet....lmfao

Fake mental Health Help for a Fake Shooting !No Morals at all !

Why are these videos time stamp a day ahead

Madonna’s Home Town ! Must be a Real Fake Shooting !

Give back what ??? Fake shooting strong !

Good analysis Scott !

Nobody behind trump was hit with the rounds that missed him? If the guy was on a roof the people behind trump would have been hit by a projectile coming from a RIFLE

Hilarious, so Fake. Gotta love how Trump did a WWE slap of his face to break the fake blood moulage. Watch them still install Biden so Trump’s Chumps will want to start a civil war. All it would take is some more fake shootings by fake Trump supporters.

They said it was an AR type weapon....that’s all I needed to hear.

It wouldn’t surprise ma at all if they install Biden again to try to start a real civil war. All of this was fake of course. Gotta love the fake blood. I can’t wait to see how they spin it.

Trump just did a Gabby Gifford replay with his fist in the air, FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!

100% Hoax. Jews run PA. Cue Gov Shapiro to call for “gun control”

Looks like he slapped fake blood moulage on his face before the Secret Service got to him. Funny so many people behind him stood up. No way they would do that if it was actual gunfire. Fake as shit. I think they may install Biden again to try to start a real civil war.

All those folks in the stands hear gun shots....and nobody ran for cover? Instead they start yelling USA because Trump was still alive and standing ... odd folks...very odd...

lol. Imagine believing this joker does a 30 second threat assessment, breaks down the situation, and the bang-up security detail which includes experts in threat assessment and preventing them misses a guy swinging a rifle around a roof. rnrnThank you for posting this. Many more of these have to be coming since debates are approaching