
Thank You for Making and Posting this Video. Lots of good info. The Fun Vax does not sound too fun! Attacking us with Things we need to live. Air we breath.Water we drink Food we eat. Weaponized Bugs. 5g Frequencies.. Sounds like they are quite serious.They are not playing. No Worries everything is going perfectly according to Yah’s Plan. Thrust in your Cycle and Reap. It’s judgement Day Yahuah is Judging the inhabitants of the earth. Separating the Wheat and Chaff. Don’t get me wrong I say this with much Sadness for those who are Perishing

No greater threat to we peons than Geoengineering / weather warfare programmes. They are literally killing ALL forms of life . Forests where I live are either diseased ,dead or dying . ESPECIALLY the fir trees. Also a MASSIVE reduction in animal, bird and insects. The bastards have also replaced BLUE skies ,in movies ,tv programmes from way back .Just as Orwell predicted in his masterpiece 1984 . Where "The Party" changed all forms of communication , books newspapers etc, to conform to the "new normal". The filthy dirty chemtrailed "cloud "cover that we now see is anything but natural. Please check out Geoengineering Watch , easily the best go to site on this dire issue

JFK to 911 everything is a ricn man’s trick on YouTube

The conspiracy theorist that I am, I always thought this was one of the motives for chemtrails. North and east there will be blue skies, however the south and west will have that white haze that seams to follow the sun. I bought a vitamin d lamp back around 2002.

I rather live out of my van with nothing than to have to suck Jew ass!!!!!!!!

Everything is a rich man’s trick.

Jews are the biggest bunch of pussies in the world. With this order will the Jews stop attacking themselves with PSYOPS?

thanks, said to many hes part of the true evil. even so called truthers still believe in him and are on the trump train.

there WAS nuclear device that was blasted in basement complex; whole metal structure of the building served as neutron transmitter to weaken sonstruction

That scenario fits Abbott perfectly. I’ve been highlighting this fool for some time now.

OK here she is -- Her comment you refer to was on Jim’s bitchute channel. Thank you all the same. Love the show !

This is what she ’s on about anyway : rn

Gary, who is the Parisian at 16:50 -- Sari Brasana, Saribra Sana ?

Thanks bro

Electrical wires, being pulled apart from separation. Could cause, the "illusion" of explosion.

Yes, that’s Dave Chappelle.

Candice Owen’s father in law, Michael Farmer is actually a key figure in a group of Christians and Jews to fight against Anti-Semitism!rnrn"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it yourself!" ~ Vladimir LeninrnrnThey are all tied together. This is obviously just more of the dog and pony show. I’m not sure what the end goal is, but I doubt it’s what people are hoping for."Mr Farmer and Ms Owens married in 2019 at the Trump Winery in Charlottesville, Virginia, and welcomed their first child, a son, in January."rnrn Farmer’s dad sounds like a great guy on his wiki page, until the very bottom where I found this. It’s not a terribly bad thing, but it does muddy the waters on this whole dog and pony show started by Candice.rnrn"Farmer became the Christian deputy chair of the Council of Christians and Jews in 2016"rnrn"The Council of Christians and Jews (CCJ) is a voluntary organisation in the United Kingdom. It is composed of Christians and Jews working together to counter anti-semitism and other forms of intolerance in Britain. Their patron was Queen Elizabeth II. "

Nice touch with the They Live Zombies superimposed over the Jewish Criminals Faces, who after watching this thinks Trump was deceived by all those in his administration, Trump was in bed with these swamp creatures, knew exactly what he was doing and derived pleasure from it. Right, no man can serve two masters. For he will either hate one and love the other, or else he will hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money. Trump is serving Himself Money and Israel, and The United States be damned.

That definitely doesn’t sound like him. Maybe with a major cold but I don’t think that is him.