
Very Interesting indeed. May be their is hope for Humanity?

If you ask me, I think ignorance will get someone faster than anything. Look at 90 percent of the planet who ignorantly walked into the line to receive the lethal injection and are now the Walking Dead. If you ask me We have already lost the war. The powers that should not be have so outsmarted the blind sheep. The weapons they have pointed at our heads 5g towers everywhere. Planes flying over our heads everyday spueing poisons. I am not telling you to stop the fight. But the true fight is a spiritual fight. It’s for the soles of man and where we will spend eturnity. No offence taken to your critisum of love your enemy. Just thought I would try and clarify what I think it means. Peace to you and blessings

Their is something worse than Death. It is called Hell. Don’t know if you believe there is a creator or not. I do and I believe in his great white throne judgement. He did tell us through his son. Sell your coat and buy a sword. What about that will get you killed? Self defence and protecting family and friends is required. Yes protecting family could get you killed but that is required.

Don’t think loving enemy means to role over and play dead. They should be stoped and brought to trial and if convicted of their crimes have appropriate punishment. Loving the enemy does not mean get your self killed. I have had enemies who eventually became my friends.

I had to look up Parisian... Ok I got it! Someone from Paris. I should have known that!rn took down my first channel, so here is my new one.rn

Jew Putin is good for Jews in Russiarn

ZOG Emperor. Jewish roots of Russian president Vladimir Putin. rn


THE BANKERS PUPPET< THE INTERNATIONAL BANKERS PRESIDENT Inside the Bailout That Saved a Debt-Ridden Trump Organization | The Choice 2016 | FRONTLINE



The lunar calendar isn’t YHWHs correct calendar. That is a Jewish calendar that requires 2 people to observe the moon. There is 0 commandment to call a new moon a new month. They never used the moon until the Babylonian captivity Look into the mistranslation of new moon where it should be new month.

Yah is going to Burn the Planet with a fervent heat. He will dissolve the earth and make it clean. He will make a new heaven and new Earth. You will look for the wicked and will not find them! Isiaha 66 read it. Yah says after the new heaven and new Earth from one new moon to the next from one Sabboth to the next all flesh shall come up before me. Get out of the Churches come out of her my people do not Participate in her sins and receive of her plages. Yah is calling his people out of deception and false religions. Study the Bible for yourself. You need no man to teach have the holy spirit to lead you into all truth. Keep his laws follow his commandments. Use his Solar luner Calander to keep his Sabboths. Stop eating unclean foods. Go to Yahuah through his son our Saviour Yahusha. And sort his name is not Jesus. Study out his true name. Hope this helps someone come out of deception. Praise Yahuah

Do not Fear the One who can Kill the Body. Fear the one Yahuah the Creator who can send our soles into He’ll. Their is something much worse than death!

Thank You for Making and Posting this Video. Lots of good info. The Fun Vax does not sound too fun! Attacking us with Things we need to live. Air we breath.Water we drink Food we eat. Weaponized Bugs. 5g Frequencies.. Sounds like they are quite serious.They are not playing. No Worries everything is going perfectly according to Yah’s Plan. Thrust in your Cycle and Reap. It’s judgement Day Yahuah is Judging the inhabitants of the earth. Separating the Wheat and Chaff. Don’t get me wrong I say this with much Sadness for those who are Perishing

No greater threat to we peons than Geoengineering / weather warfare programmes. They are literally killing ALL forms of life . Forests where I live are either diseased ,dead or dying . ESPECIALLY the fir trees. Also a MASSIVE reduction in animal, bird and insects. The bastards have also replaced BLUE skies ,in movies ,tv programmes from way back .Just as Orwell predicted in his masterpiece 1984 . Where "The Party" changed all forms of communication , books newspapers etc, to conform to the "new normal". The filthy dirty chemtrailed "cloud "cover that we now see is anything but natural. Please check out Geoengineering Watch , easily the best go to site on this dire issue

JFK to 911 everything is a ricn man’s trick on YouTube

The conspiracy theorist that I am, I always thought this was one of the motives for chemtrails. North and east there will be blue skies, however the south and west will have that white haze that seams to follow the sun. I bought a vitamin d lamp back around 2002.

I rather live out of my van with nothing than to have to suck Jew ass!!!!!!!!

Everything is a rich man’s trick.