
Really? They have a guy with orange hair to talk about a former president with orange skin.

So fucking fake. They are getting overconfident in their mind control over the masses to even attempt such an obviously fake event. This was so lame that it feels like a waste of my time to even present the clues/debunks.

Say goodbye to the 2nd amendment.

ugh, ugh...say ugh one more time

More fake than fake can get. Nobody in the background runs they just stand there. The Curly hair guy with hat on raises his fist and then takes a seat. lol

You guys do my heart good. Many blessings to you all that see how fake this is.

Why no EMTs rushing in to help the victim? Why no doctor on the scene? Why is he taken away in the black van by the SS detail instead of an ambulance? Why does he say, "Let me get my shoes" three times? Just askin.

Staged bunch of crap. At this point in my life, it’s not even worth it to listen to social media. What a fucking cartoon show this is. Donald Trump Jr immediately comes out and says his dad will never stop fighting for America, right, bite me, fucking Trump is working for the fake Jews, Israel.


Maybe they’re gonna spin the head wound thing from revelation, "stick city" gives some fun matches:

the deep state is making its move. i have the globalists’ own documents

Shots fired...nobody even flinches....just all watching the movie it was.

So it was a rifle and it sounded like a pop gun at best! So this ass clown noticed the shooter and secret service missed it! It could happen!

Totally staged. This raises the question if this was an announced kind of rally with select crisis actors involved or if the whole thing was a staged production with all rally attendees paid to attend. Either way. Hoax

True ! I saw that Too !

How are they gonna install Biden ? He’s already dead ..just another gun grab folks.

How did He see Him From the ground ??? What the Secret Service did ?????

Good Question . I saw that too !


Another NWO STOOGE !