
You do know that I posted this video yesterday, doncha?

I just posted a clearer version of the video.

Bless you, Bossman.

You will have a King but you only have 1 Elohim most high. Deuteronomy 6 is very clear...YHWH is One. Messiah Yahushua is the Son of Elohim. Ok brother...I have spent way more time on this thread than I should. Carry on with your trinitarian or duality beliefs. Cheers

I was trying to insert a little bit of humor in to it although I saw the original as stated and believe me I’m aware of the traditional search engines they suck and scrub everything.

Yeah I know. Buildings made from stone, bricks and marble that burn down. Sure they do because we all know how flammable those stones are. Incredible stuff, and TRUE

Definitely real. This came out right after the event. The clarity is not as good as the original. Believe me, you can’t find this video by searching any of the traditional search engines or video platforms. But, there area couple videos about the arson of the Notre Dame Cathedral, but they won’t play. AI has scrubbed them from the internet, except on the Russian search engine Yandex.

Just left the home despot with some wood, thought to stop at a.breakfast restaurant. I hear allot of spanish, can’t see kitchen, wish me luck.

The word in greek that you translated with ’bowing’ is proskuneōrnpros-koo-neh’-ornFrom G4314 and probably a derivative of G2965 (meaning to kiss, like a dog licking his master’s hand); to fawn or crouch to, that is, (literally or figuratively) prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence to, adore): - worship.rnrnHere’s another one then: Deuteronomy 10:17 "For hWhY your Elohim is Elohim of mighty ones and Aḏon of masters, the great Ĕl, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality nor takes a bribe." rncoupled with rnRevelation 17:14 "They shall fight with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them, for He is Aḏon of masters and Sovereign of sovereigns. And those with Him are called, and chosen, and trustworthy.”rnI daresay there can only be ONE ’lord of lords’ and ’king of kings’ right?rnWhich one of the two you perceive are you going to worship? The one who gave His life for you and said ’nobody comes to the father than through me’ or the one that sent him? Or are you worshipping two gods?

That’s a film or a painting with CGI thrown in?. I’ve previously seen this before, but It somehow looked more real back then?

CACA IN CACA OUT, I think we should allow more of these TURD WORLD CHEFS Into our country with the approval of the FDA of course.

You can’t hardly buy anything for a dollar anymore, what better way to spend one to get the truth out. I recently had my comment removed on YT for criticizing Israel. To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.

I’ve been following My Lunch Break and Jon Levi on Tartarian and giants. Huge buildings with 20’ high doorways with the door knob 10’ from the ground. All the "fires" from all over the world destroying these huge STONE buildings................................Very interesting.

trump make israel great again

A very good and timely reminder. Thanks.

Telling You it was fake !

Nice, is this your video? Good up to date footage.

But, if the lady master chef, would spit in the rat bowl twice. The rats are looking to be the better choice for any deep thinker who’s triple jabbed.


That’s funny. Life was much simpler before so many became “educated”.I also remember the stupid ole days of yesteryear.