
Yes there is no perfect translation, and many have really bad errors and text added/removed. Best to compare different translations and try to keep to the original text. Here’s another one where Jesus says he is YHWH: Isa 44:6 "Thus says Yahuah the King of Yashar’el, and his Redeemer Yahuah Tseva’oth; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no Elohiym." compared with Rev.1:17,18 "And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead, and He placed His right hand on me, saying, “Do not be afraid, I am the First and the Last, and the living One. And I became dead, and see, I am living forever and ever. Amĕn. And I possess the keys of the grave and of death."

all they are missing is masks and deathjab booster shots

ST never stole a car. He was getting some music out of his girlfriends car and was charged as a felon. That would be a misdemeanor charge now, but he still a felon. Welcome to the justice system.

On my first visit to the funny farm, I called out all the bullshit I saw on TV so needless to say I was crazy. The second time I learned to keep quiet. Instead, I designed 25 small housing floorplans to keep my sanity. If anyone needs a small house, I have a plan for you.

I went twice to the funny farm, four months each. Once wasn’t good enough but thanks to my family they never got to poison me like 98% of the people there. They use people as guinea pigs and some people come close to dying. They were my friends. I met a lot of good people while I was there.

Old news, they already did this in 1977 with Capricorn One

They should have jumped that high in 69.

Yeah, they will shoot you, that’s how they fly.

Tons of paperwork required when death is involved. I have my husband’s death certificate, autopsy, and anything else that is required, because it was real. I know what tragedy looks like because I was there when it happened.

Yes, they are traitors of the worst kind for terrorizing the whole wide world. May they never rest in peace.

Goosebumps after being tortured by my own government for exposing the real criminals. It means everything when someone has your back. Forever grateful.

"...the virus was man made..." anything to keep belief in viruses alive



The Jewish Purim festival was from sunset 23rd to sunset 24th of March.rnOn the Purim festival they commit a fetish ritual ofrn(((eating Haman’s ears))).rnA cannibalistic fetish ritual in which they believe they are (((eating Haman’s ears))) in the form of pastries. They hang an effigy of Haman and his 10 sons and proceed to beat it with sticks and abuse its corpses in all kinds of ways. It is a sick holiday celebrating the genocide of the Amalekites, much like Hanukkah is a holiday celebrating the genocide of the Greek people by the Maccabean Jews.rnAnd this Purim festival relates directly to the genocide of the Palestinians, taking place in Gaza and the West Bank. Whom Netanyahu and many Israeli’s and Jews around the world have referred to as Amalek.rnrnThe Jewish day begins at sunset because their god is the god of Darkness.rnThey worship DARKNESS and the Moon. [show less]rnrnrn1 night before the Purim festivalrnrn11 arrested = Haman and his 10 sonsrnrnEar(s) have been cut off and eatenrnrnCrocus, a representation of the rays of the Sun, (Christianity).rnrnJews worship Sunset, Darkness and the Moon, (Darkness, Evil and Chaos from which they surfaced). rn

REGARDING THE FAKE ATTACK IN MOSCOW MOSCOW, March 25. /TASS/. The Private Security Organization (PSO) rapid response group, which was guarding Crocus Town Hall, was based in the adjacent building, but did not respond to the scene following the terrorist attack. This was announced by the head of the Information Policy Committee of the State Duma, Alexander Khinshtein.rnrnPreviously, Khinshtein reported that the private security company Crocus Profi LLC, which guarded the Crocus City Hall, had service weapons in its arsenal, but the security guards at the site worked without them and without special equipment.rnrn"The arsenal is stored in the building next to Crocus (Krasnogorsk, Mezhdunarodnaya, 6), but the guards were on duty without it. The ChOO emergency team is also based there, which, however, also did not go to the place "After the terrorist attack," Khinshtein emphasized. A SECURITY TEAM IS BY THE SIDE AND THEY ARE NOT ARMED THAT DAY < NOR ARE THEY RESPONDING TO THE SUPPOSED ATTACK >> HA HA HA, WHAT "COINCIDENCES" RIGHT? < DO YOU KNOW WHICH TRIBE ALEXANDER KHISTEIN BELONGS TO? YES < TO THAT TRIBE CHOSEN BY THEIR GOD < SOURCE

I think that people that went out in MASS to watch the eclipse are brainwashed, the skies were heavily chemtrailed, and now some are saying they feel sickly and have headaches and their periods are off. When the the government encourages you to do something, stay away.

WHO WEF need to be bombed when the globalists are there

And my friend, one last thing. In the Apocrypha, which literary means hidden, all the books the Catholic church removed very clearly tell us that even Adam and Even knew the Son of YHWH was going to redeem us. The first book of Adam and Eve tell this as well as books like 2nd Ezra and the Writings of Abraham. In 1.4 million words there isn’t a mention of YHWH and Yahushua (God and Jesus) being the same. The other default verse folks go to when they try to prove they are one is in Isaiah when it describes Messiah Yahushua as Immanuel. Well that is yet another botch of the Scriptures because in the Septuigent Scriptures which came long before all these other ones, it doesn’t say that. Imagine that a freemason King James and all those controlling this before wouldn’t change things. Its all been changed and nothing is to be trusted. We gotta seek and learn all this ourselves.rnrnWe are in the end of the end of days I believe and all these secrets are coming to the light.

Since most of the New Testament was written in Greek you gotta go study up on the Greek to see what they are saying.