
Serious topic, I know but this is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time. I think the Marilyn Manson contact lens pushes it over the edge.

If that’s not a call to action and a declaration of war I don’t know what is, but American’s will go back to sleep, all they have to do is put that SOB’s picture on the ballot and the invaders will say I vote Joe !

There was predictive programming of this in Pet Goat that shows the Spire collapsing just as we saw it in numerous replays from the MSM.

Agenda 2030 in full swing.

When it comes to taking care of Zionist Israel, Biden pales in comparison to Trump. Trump is a Biden on steroids when it comes to taking care of the AshkeNAZI the 13 tribe. Are we sick of this world yet? This is not an endorsement for Biden.

>.< LOLrnWell, get to work dude, what are waiting for!? lol

Who knows man, what I’ve discovered is that just like there are levels to the pyramid of power, there are also levels to acceptance of truth and discarding of social programming. Some people will only go so far, because it’s hard to accept that your doctor has a fucking button for your ass, lol. Know what I mean? I get it, because just like them, I’ve had to hit the ceiling again and again, and fight myself on a thing until I finally saw the evidence I needed to accept the truth, and then we were onto the next thing, lol.rnrnNow I’ve done this so many times, I nothing else really shocks me anymore, and I’ve learned not to throw the proverbial baby out with the bathwater again and again like before. Now, no matter how ridiculous, or threatened my ego gets when confronted with a potential truth, I look anyways and I disprove it or I find it to be a true thing, typically. rnrnOnce you can finally do that, I find that the acceleration of what you can learn goes faster and faster and now im learning something new every single day.

Well said, I totally agree.

I don’t even know what to say to that, lol.

Which do you think are incorrect? rn

Thank You Michael !

This is NOT good...


Yes - a great expose, but, of course, not everyone listed here as Ashkenazi Jew is in fact Jewish.

This one’s for the younger generation.

You do know that I posted this video yesterday, doncha?

I just posted a clearer version of the video.

Bless you, Bossman.

You will have a King but you only have 1 Elohim most high. Deuteronomy 6 is very clear...YHWH is One. Messiah Yahushua is the Son of Elohim. Ok brother...I have spent way more time on this thread than I should. Carry on with your trinitarian or duality beliefs. Cheers

I was trying to insert a little bit of humor in to it although I saw the original as stated and believe me I’m aware of the traditional search engines they suck and scrub everything.