
And one more thing on John 20:28 - Greek word for a deity or title of a ruler is theos. So all these translations used God instead of the proper meaning which could have been:rnrnθεός • (theós) m or f (genitive θεοῦ); second declension (Epic, Attic, Ionic, Doric, Koine)rnrna deity, a god, Godrntitle of a rulerrnsometimes feminine (ἡ θεός): a goddessrnrnRegardless of what Thomas said you have Messiah Himself telling us He isn’t God.

When looking at John 1:1 and John 1:14 we have to understand what the word is. When word is used it is just that. What YHWH (God) says. When you read the apocrypha and the hidden books, it says that YHWH wrote His laws thousands of years before Creation. Long before our Creation ever was, Yahushua aka Jesus was dwelling where YHWH was. Wherever that was, they were a family before Creation began. So you have Messiah Yahushua who knows what His dad’s ways and wishes are. So when the Word was made flesh that is simply that. A representative of YHWH, His Son came and told us the way forward. And because He was without sin, He walked the Torah perfectly. So we literally had the Torah come to life with us with the Son of Elohim. Now in John 20:28 one needs to know that Elohim means mighty one. It doesn’t mean God like many translations will say. You have upper case Elohim most high which is YHWH and Yahushua is also an Elohim. Angels are also called elohim as well in Scriptures but it’s a lower case e. So Thomas is saying my master and essentially great one. All the pagan cultures use elohim for their deities as well. Scriptures is supposed to be read as in one large book. If we have Messiah Yahushua telling us 40 times He isn’t YHWH, we gotta believe what He says. All of these cases usually come from bad translations. Hope this helps!

Thanks for all this input Jason. It will take me some time to digest though. Also thanks for the pdf downloadable translation, I’m always looking for more translations. From your own translation John 1:1 says "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word wasrnwith Elohim, and the Word was Elohim." and 20:28: "28 And T’oma answered and said to Him, “Aḏonai and my Elohim!” and Genesis 1:1 "1 In the beginning Elohim created the shamayim and the earth."

This is fantastic work, brother.

Doesn’t shock me... It’s a Masonic Control System, The Scottish Rite and Swiss Octogon being top of that tree, one War (BlackRock/BlackWater/BlackWatch/MIC), one Financial (Vanguard/BIS/WHO/WEF/CERN re Shiva, the Goddess of Destruction, the bottomless pit and where The Devil Dwells), and everything in-between... And this is not even mentioning the Scottish Domination/Origins of World Wide celebrations like Halloween, Easter, New Years Eve etc, you just can not stop them. All this from such an abused and suppressed populace (by the English ofcourse) of only 6% in Britain alone. Not Possible if that were true, Fake Holocaust Anyone? They couldn’t be more clear if they put it in huge Masonic neon signs and sang, we will, we will, Fuck You Jimmy!!!! (us)

Here is a version of Scriptures that isn’t corrupted and hasn’t been owned. Every single translation including the KJV is corrupted is many ways. My family and I spent a full year putting this together and it’s getting a lot of downloads. Free pdf of Scriptures and Apocrypha

Right. The crooked just steals more to counter the inflated prices they caused. The honest, work more overtime.

Also 2nd Peter 1:1 doesn’t say Messiah is YHWH (God).rnrn1 Shim’on Kĕpha, a servant and emissary of ????? ha’Mashiaḥ, to those who have obtained a belief as precious as ours by the righteousness of our Elohim and of our Saviour ????? ha’Mashiaḥ:rnrnIt says of our Elohim (YHWH) and of our Savior. Its 2 people. The bottom line is this in breaking this hoax. Can our Messiah lie? Is He a liar? Why did he tell us over and over He was not doing this of His own will? Why does he say His teachings aren’t His? Remember the story of Abraham and Isaac? How the father was called to kill the son? That was a prophecy of what was to come. Our Creator offered up His Son to die for the sins of the world. Its all over in Scriptures. If you haven’t read the apocrypha I would urge everyone to read it. If you have never read Scriptures from the front of the book, I encourage you to give it a shot. It is NOTHING like the preacher’s have spun.

Sabbath covenant channel you tube. Fasten Seat Belt..

Who is Jesus? Who is the Son of Yah?


Reminds me of the sheeple cheering at the 2012 Olympics opening ceremony.

When all the bad translations put God for the word Lord that isn’t right. Simple lookup. Lots and lots of bad translations do this.

is] Lord,”rnΚυριος (Kyrios)rnNoun - Nominative Masculine SingularrnStrong’s 2962: Lord, master, sir; the Lord. From kuros; supreme in authority, i.e. controller; by implication, Master.rn

The version of Bible you are using is corrupted. 1st Chorinthians 12:13 in the Greek doesn’t say Yahushua is YHWH. They screwed the translation up. Its Kyrios not God. It means Lord not God.

The entire concept of the trinity doesn’t appear anywhere in Scriptures. People take Messiah replying to a question with I am as Him saying He is God. The Father is one and the Son is one...two separate entities. Do you guys really think Satan killed God for 3 days? Read your Scriptures folks.

We believe in one God,rn the Father almighty,rn maker of heaven and earth,rn of all things visible and invisible.rnrnAnd in one Lord Jesus Christ,rn the only Son of God,rn begotten from the Father before all ages,rn God from God,rn Light from Light,rn true God from true God,rn begotten, not made;rn of the same essence as the Father.rn Through him all things were made.rn For us and for our salvationrn he came down from heaven;rn he became incarnate by the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary,rn and was made human.rn He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate;rn he suffered and was buried.rn The third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures.rn He ascended to heavenrn and is seated at the right hand of the Father.rn He will come again with gloryrn to judge the living and the dead.rn His kingdom will never end.rnrnAnd we believe in the Holy Spirit,rn the Lord, the giver of life.rn He proceeds from the Father and the Son,rn and with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified.rn He spoke through the prophets.rn We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church.rn We affirm one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.rn We look forward to the resurrection of the dead,rn and to life in the world to come. Amen.