
I can’t believe they didn’t break out with a keep dancing Vegas video, like whorlando.

Yea but you can get one for free, don’t want to pass a deal like that up. They force that shit on you in the military. Made me feel like shit for days everytime. Wouldn’t get one if they paid me anymore.

He will likely be to busy re watching the video he claims he saw. Perfectly fits the joo narrative. Not only does he likely know who made the video, it was made so they can act outraged about it. Poor little Noah died in two school shootings and now he’s been plugged again

Great idea for a channel! I know this clown, his YouTube channel name is "Blue", he has been flagging truther videos for a long time now and has been working with the website Sandy Hook .

You recently seen a video likely made to give you a pathetic straw man argument. Lets have an exhumation of the bodies. Or even lets see the redacted footage from the police cars on scene. How about a demonstration of 16 people in a bathroom not large enough for 3. All of your tags are appropriate to describe all the frauds of sandy crook. No thinking needed the evidence it was a fraud is overwhelming. I bet you enjoyed the video, and saying what happened at sandy hook happened happened says nothing. Yes something happened an active shooter drill, followed by nothing but lies and charity fraud.

Welcome and it is just the beginning to expose these human cockroaches.

His name is Blue and has a channel on YouTube , he has terrorized us for years .

He did chicken out ! ’Blue’ works for Lenny Pozner’s HONR Network with that paid rat Michael Reszneki .

Thanks Sandy Hookers for exposing this idiot ! I sent him a video accepting his challenge but still just the sound of crickets ...

Hilarious I’d be willing to bet that he chickens out of an acceptance. What a nutjob.

You have got to be joking. Sandy Hook was an elaborate hoax, proven by many, many students of the subject, including numerous Ph.D. big guns. Take your knives, and cut some fucking cheese with them. If you’re really a brave soul, you’ll debate Wolfgang Halbig and Dr. James Fetzer on live broadcast. Are you ready? Better get your facts straight, and all your ducks in a row. You’re not going to look too good by the end of it.

Sellout is feeling the strain!


Why did they make this fraudulent pos video would be a better question. Talk about disingenuous, this pile of mainstream propaganda is full of it.

I’ve seen the same trolls comment hundreds of times on flat earth video’s. Many claim to see the curve of the earth from the beach others claim from a plane. According to the troll below why would the truth need one lie. Maybe he/she or it should research captain cook and his attempt to circumnavigate the alleged south pole. Also why is there obvious faked footage of a 24 hr. Antarctic sun. Why would they even make this piece of shit video trying to defend the globe?

Oh, look the troll showed up spouting shit. Check out Masta peace on joo tube proof the moon is not a sphere. Also if the moon is spherical how could a full moon possibly reflect light evenly across its surface. A sphere would appear brighter in the center and dimmer on the sides. Too many photos of the recent eclipse proved the moon was not in front of the sun, b4 during or after the eclipse. If gravity can hold you to a ball at 1,000mph, it would absolutely hold you to a merry go round at 20mph. Yet they argue rpm’s. Even though two objects can go the exact same rpm’ on a merry go round yet move completely different speeds.

My theory is that this child molester gonna get a new identity now when he is officially dead.

At least 43 reasons for participate in this hoax. I leave out one fund – because I believe that she is a real victim. Not that I believes that she is dead. I am worried that she is surrounded by perverse people / sex offenders.

Thank you for the guided tour on the cemetery. We have literally rip off the pants of this scammers. They are totally naked now. You and Conspiracy Granny have done an amazing work. And best of all – this scammers is so stupid that they even expose themselves – Every time they open their mouth.

Everyone I know who got the Flu shot or the majority got like really sick , so much so a lot of people are catching onto the obvious. I got it once and got really sick and have refused since and have not been sick in years.