
Shot at*

How is it that all these “junior and senior” students were shot and saw the shooter at when it supposedly happened in the freshman wing? She heard shots first and then the fire alarm went off? None of these stories line up.

At 2:24 look at that cross of presstitute’s forehead. What is that about? Trying to show solidarity to all the non victims by putting a make up cross on.

One of the first things I think of when someone is grieving over their daughter is to wear a bright orange shirt at the the memorial.

Good job. I called Shannon in May ’16. Call lasted 1:08. I asked her about her pics and what type of camera she used. She just started to ask for my credentials and I asked about camera and she yelled F-Off! I asked again and she yelled F-Off and slammed phone. I loved it. Thanks for the vid.

I saw it before they got to it. Very funny!

MARgate and RAMsgate are in fact 2 small towns in england at the

Love Robin , he is the best !

Lol. Omg this dumb bitch again. This is insane.

TV news outlets abruptly dropped Washington-centric coverage Wednesday afternoon when a shooter attacked students and staff at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on Wednesday afternoon. Quick word of at least 20 shot in the school or on the campus triggered TV news pundit talk of Columbine High School massacre of 1999 in which 12 students and one teacher were murdered, and another 24 injured, by two heavily armed students who then committed suicide.rnrnSource:

Filthy Lying Jews.

Why is he wearing a RED Nike shirt to a memorial for HIS Daughter!?! Give me a break!

Oh, and the State Rep I did a video on............. A JEW! You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a JEW! I don’t know one Jew in my area!

ROFLAO! 1st fuqing funeral is at a JEW cemetery! I think that whole damn town is a jew base camp like Sandy Hoax. The last video I posted, the girl looks Jewish but sounds like she has a hint of New Jersey Jew accent in her. Mayor is Jew, Sheriff is a jew, and about all the kids look Jew.

yep! The looked way too old to be in High School, and I can’t believe they let her look like that either. I should look up their dress code

Next hoax, california, los angeles. remember anaconda "predicted" the LV shooting through a crisis actor wearing LV pants in an earlier shooting...

Saw that first interview, thought of you. Shared to people who are trying to help change the media. Lot’s, of new slots to fill, Anaconda

We love you Conspiracy Granny! Keep em coming!

Palmdale has the LAM and the EL for elohim

BabCOCK ranch = again one of JLs sexuell innuendos....