
Action! We need it now!


Bald headed lesbo actWHORE.

Complete actWHORE.

Good to see you !


Yuk ....

Holy shit these people are fucking vile.

Anaconda Mollica . Brilliant . He’ll love that too .

Ha ha

Just JEW-it

Yes, I’ve bean meaning to say that. I’m sure improvements will come. I hope !

Can you believe this shit . 100% hoax . End of video . lol . Keep them coming AML

where was she in the TMZ footage?

true dat

they put the HO in HOAX

I’m so glad I don’t watch the Tel-Lie-Vision. Do the masses actually believe this rubbish ? . Great work JG .

Looks like a hooker jugs hanging out, shit stuck in her face This is how Satanic Zionist Jews let their kids dress.


great channel I am sick of google yt censors