
Greg Pittman, P Man, Penis Man, is obviously a flaming faggot (might be Anderson Pooper’s boyfriend) devil worshiper with his demonic gay facial hair.

Exactly! The Army guys and police will be there to save their azz when they face a real bad man with a gun, or rapist! These kids are so brainwashed from the indoctrination camps called school, that they don’t get who the real criminals are or who the real terrorists are! They may be blond, but I’m betting they are Jews too like the rest of the people the MSM has paraded on the Tell-LIE-Vision!

They have some really piss poor acters and actresses in this bullshit story for sure. Tight wads can not afford quality actors/actresses with skills. I donated to their GOFUCKYOURSELVES account.

Look at the smirk on that lesbian lawnmower (lmao at that one) at 4:36 when she states families are devastated. She tries her best to hide it but it still surfaces because she is lying. It’s natural.

That SOB’s facial hair is an obvious giveaway as well. His boyfriend told him it did not feel right without no hair around it so that is what he grew.....the number 1 gay sign of all time.

That object was really creepy

You are awfully close to their code. Not exactly but awfully close. I like the Alexa Miendik chick. As in pedophiles....Alexa Suk Medick. Fuck a Jew, rotten nasty bastards who spit on Jesus. It’s a Jew vs Gentile world and people are dying from their own ignorance. So be it.

Great video loved every second of it couldn’t read words but pictures say it all

They could be fraternal, but they sure as hell don’t act like twins! I had best friends that were twins, and even when they weren’t getting along they wouldn’t be that cold!

So there not bothered by all the treasonous fraudulent gov’t scumbags who were running around their school with guns. People who have sworn an oath to defend the constitution, and are now committing fraud to try to destroy it. The same ones who drug and poison their water with fluoride. The ones who now want to xray them daily.

I was pissed when they took down all of my Favorite YT channels from HowIseeTheWorld to Peekay! As soon as they started this site, I decided it’s time to start making my own damn videos if it pissed JewTube off that much! I’m hoping all the good truth channels re-start over here! Funny how the mass shootings stopped and then re-started after JewTube pretty much silenced all the awake people!

There goes the 100,000 reward.

Nicholas, Nickolas, Nikolas or Nicolas is a male given name, derived from the Greek name Νικόλαος (Nikolaos), a compound of νίκη nikÄ“ ’victory’ and λαός; laos ’people’. The name became popular through Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra in Lycia, the inspiration for Santa Claus. "Laos" in Greek, originates from the word root "-las", as found in the word "λα-τομεῑο" meaning "stone" or "rock" (as in Greek Mythology, Deucalion and Pyrrha recreated the people after they had vanished in a catastrophic deluge, by throwing stones behind their shoulders while they kept marching on) and the name can be understood to mean victory of the people.

Any idea what the point of the chemtrails are? I hear things from global warming prevention to also blocking the sun’s changing frequency.....I hear there is a solar storm a few days ago...there was a big earthquake in Mexico same time as the solar storm...I have a bunch of theories to go on but can’t say for sure what they are doing with the chems.

Excellent work JG. Twin daughters of two different mothers? ...... I call 🐎💩 on the media as usual.

She reminded me of Christine Leinonen at the Pulse.

First, Trump is an ahole just like Obama involved with all these events. Second, Brook is an airhead. She went to the Robbie Parker school of beginning a speech/reply. I am sending your vid to my local paper. I send of a lot of these vids to them. Good job on commentary.


Preach it AMl! So glad we didnt lose you.

It seems I’ve replied to your comment to the dude below lol