
Awesome to see this here!

LMAO, WTF? Casey Jones over dosed on meth.

this wouldn’t have happened if uber cars existed. Ban uber cars! AR is one of the most common semi automatic rifles available so she is totally inept about guns. Maybe it had a dildo modification though so it threw her off. Notice how red she is in the face thats a common sign of lying.

So they have the time down to the second that he started shooting. 2:21:33. I guess the uber driver wasn’t a little suspicious about the kid he was taking to a school with a gun case. I would say you can’t make this shit up. But there is no other answer, they made this shit up.

If the Hogg shit from this story gets any deeper ---👤---

Too right. Just point and laugh .

ROFLAO! Anaconda is Matilda!?! Man, you must be great at voices!

lol I had fun doing that.

Thanks Henry.

Welcome out of the Matrix!


Yep! He sounds like he’s from New York or New Jersey. Definitely a Jew, and not from Florida! My guess is he’s a CIA plant.

Legends that should upload here to.

Yep! You know full well the NRA shills know these shootings are fake as hell! They are on board with this mental health crap too, and I wonder if their members are going to wake up! After Sandy Hoax, I refused to renew with the NRA. They’ve done pissed me off.

all mass shootings are fake, wake up

Thanks! Yes, they look similar.


This is literally the best video out there. I wanted to stop watching after a couple minutes, but when you watch in entirety you Get IT, OMG, this was just a drill. So scripted.

Fake shootings are soo hilarious! Fuckin idiots! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

1,5 hour in. Very good show. Good explaining why people agree to go along with this hoaxes. It is hoaxes they pull of around the world. I agree that ’hoax’ is the correct world to use for this type of events. I think that the word ’Staged Event’ also can be used. Avoid using ’False Flags’ för hoax events. A False Flag – real activities going on, but wrong group get the blame. Guys – you are super!