
Thanks for mirroring the Video. I like his work on Sandy Hook. I have learned since Roof event, that the good damning evidence really starts to come out after the first week of a staged event.

wear headphones all of you. /slap



Very interesting!

Surely shills don’t have a sense of humour, do they?

.214 Was Valentines day and there was the school shooting in Amerca at MAJORIE STONEMAN DOUGLAS = 116 the inverse of 911 and 1313 in English extended cypher same numbers as the plane. I have been saying for many months now about LONDON DOCKLAND (PadDOCK and SutherLAND) shootings and expected an aircrash in this airport or to do with this airport. LONDON has gematria of 25 29 but MOSCOW has the same 25 29 gematria. There was an aircrash in MOSCOW on FEB 12 .. It looks like this is a prediction of both events..

POSTED THIS TO MANY FISH.. He brought up a news article about a WW2 bomb that closed down Docklands City Airport.. I have been saying about Dockland for some time now.

Hi. I will screen cap Langendorff and goatee guy and compare. Will check voices again. Have to be really sure. Hopefully you are right.

Sure does!! Just like you can hear that Texas accent in the brothers voice! No doubt he is the hero from Texas church shooting! 100% face match

Don’t get me wrong, I like the vid. 😀

I met a mad pieman on my way to the fair, crazy as it sounds he really does care. As those who speak truth have their channels stripped bare. Now finding good vids on jootube is really quite rare. Yet the lies from the news are found everywhere. They spew their nonsense without any strikes. If you down vote they’ll remove your dislikes. Merely babble on whores spewing shit through their mic’s.

That is not David Hogg with the long hair at end. Different noses.

I enjoy your videos.

Yup, I knew I would find him playing a girl someplace! He also came from the Governors Arts Academy like most of the. So far! Thanks for watching and GodBless

check out this video i just stumbled onto

check out this video i just stumbled onto

check out this video i just stumbled onto

check out this video i just saw.......

I would like to hear her spell "protocol" and then define it. A crisis actor spelling bee. I wonder if Trump had sex with her afterwards......😀