
Indeed. Well the future will be a fun one to say the least. I hope an angel investor will appear one day and fund this fight. When that day comes we will put a code team together that will take what we have and rock it out. I am not to familiar with the PWA framework but whatever we end up will hopefully be slick as well as distributed. Maybe we will build it on the SC blockchain. Whatever its final look and engine will be built to withstand great evil.

Scott Dani is 33 in Pythagorean Numerology. Great video JL!

Likewise! Much love you guys. 153news is a fight platform. Its for the resistance!!

Its gonna take us all! It will be interesting to see it we can make any headway without the beast ripping us to shreds. Thanks for hanging!

Its our no frills, functional, attempt at freedom. It can only get better. Thanks!

Thank you so much for hanging out. This is an A+ group of eagle eyed faces and voices.

Omg that was so AWESOME!!!!

Thank you very much for creating an excellent site. Your hard work and efforts are greatly appreciated.

This is the Russian pilot supposedly shot down by Turkey a couple years ago: With his back to the camera READING from the script with his head popping up and down! The whole Russia-Turkey-Syria war is bullcrap. Recently they pulled another one, another Russian plane (supposedly) shot by Turkey, absolutely ridiculous stagecraft. So it’s not just local hoaxes, global ones are made up as well.

Course she is. They’re almost all jews there, Putin probably shipped in a few, there’s an epidemic of such fake shooting hoaxes in Russia too (some of them not fake, with mafiosos popping each other off). On top of all the ’war’ bullcrap they film in Ukraine. Industrial scale terror.

cementary he mentions isn’t even open

Anyone who is with him is just as big of a scumbag.

Great work!! No one hurt!! False flag for sure!!

I hope you’re right lol it was definitely a good laugh

I will say this no one will probably believe me but I saw video of d hogg saying 932 in the mornig its been edit also I pointed out that a video of the shooter was standing by the cop cars chilling no cuffs etc cops weren’t even looking at him that was a cnn video it has been edited out completely

Awesome!!!! Your videos always make my laugh my ass off. Your work is amazing.

Maybe those dead victims are like the movie Gremlins. If you get them wet they’ll multiply.

The msm is trying to say Brooke Baldwin was breaking down crying LOL

I thinks its viral because most people are laughing at these fools for being complete sycophants and useful idiots for propaganda. Its like watching a freak show that you can’t help but look at.

Haha. Pisstake right?