
so glad i came over here.The freedom of expression makes me realize how far you tube had already gone with its censorship.Looking forward to hearing more from you and others

not even one unmanned robotic camera on the moon viewing earth and the stars?rnthe elephant in every room. 2018 not even a smart phone with solar panel on the moon. w tf???

is that a green screen at 4.20?and they even pretended to shine cop lights to make it more authentic lol

Thanks MB!! Pat

I live in Italy. I can assure you that somewhere, hidden away, she’s definitely got a bunch of Italian ancestors!! That was a great video and funny as hell. Thanks for the great video!!!

Superb video!! They sure love their hoax code, don’t they,lol!!

If Pete sold out, it would have been during his jail time. He and Alex used to hate each other and last I knew they were promoting each others stuff. I would like him to weigh in on Fetzer and clarify his stance.

sure seems to in FL lol

i am off work for 2 weeks because i sprained my shoulder,i can barely move that side...theres no way she would be moving ,shoulder pain makes your whole arm neck and spine stiff

I agree. We need to do this legally. does in no way, shape, or form condone phsical violence. There is a place for it but this isnt the time.

Outdone, yourself! Your’s and AML’s work is getting high praise from influential people......’Holocaust Class’ That sounds like fun?!

This is the first time in my entire life that I’ve heard the cops say anything other than "the suspect is in custody". Since when do they announce the person’s name on the radio? Since last week at this phony fake show. That’s since when!! Such a lack of professionalism!! They need to go back to drill school!!

I’m always sorry to see that this crisis actor phenomenon isn’t only in the US. Too bad we couldn’t block it within our borders and exterminate it once and for all!! I live in Italy and can assure you that Italians wouldn’t be able to keep a straight face. Not even for money or GoFundMe accounts or gold bullion. Excellent video!! Thanks!!

That’s what I was thinking.

All of a sudden 18 yr olds are "kids", when they enlist to fight wars for Jewish interests they’re young men- Time was when dads taught their young boys to shoot.......

I’m in total agreement with you. Robin’s videos are all great, but the Orlando ones are some of the best videos I’ve seen anywhere. Also, very, very, funny!! I love the way he takes Norman apart!! I miss his videos big time and just reading what you wrote and then remembering made me start laughing. I sure hope that Robin comes here!!

Frankly, this is the ONLY place that I trust and I hope these guys will accept your invitation /suggestion to come here. We all know about YouTube so I thought I’d mention that James Fetzer said, in a video I watched today, that either his video or one that he appeared in (excuse my horrible memory, please!) was censored by BitChute with a "graphic content" warning and another type of warning on another video. My point being that people seem to think that any other platform besides YT is ok, but that isn’t the case. Personally, as I said before, the ONLY place that I come now, for the truth is 153. Thanks to you and to Henry for your dedication to this!!

Getting shot always makes people so happy

We all need anti drone emp protection. As you detect incoming RF you flash an area.

B. B. 88 she man hoax