
TheVoiceofReason, or Jason, I’ve contacted you twice recently, once directly with, and once via your J Boss channel on 153news... you’ve not responded. My contribution may ruffle some feathers in a forum such as 153 as I point out a conspiracy not covered by 153news - the Christ conspiracy! I have also attempted to meter the hate speech here on 153 to ensure the site isn’t repelling to newcomers naive to real conspiracy. And now you’ve made apparent that you’ve created channels impersonating - and to attract Peekay, Russianvids and HowISee TheWorld, can I kindly request you delete my account and all of its content! Sincerely, Gregg McKenzie

lol. Good vid. Used dildos hey? That is fucken disgusting. Used dildos............ Wonder where one could purchase some used butt plugs or better still, some used condoms?

At 1:47 when she says "gunpowder everywhere", she is referring to the packing inside the breaching shells they were firing for sound effect, shotgun round breaching shells like they used at Sandy Hook to shoot out the front window.

At 00:13 seconds into the clip the newest, most advanced stealth motorcycle technology with a ONE THOUSAND cubic inch motor, capable of speeds of 150MPH and blindingly fast acceleration ... but as quiet as a gently summer breeze ... rolls into the screen until 00:19 seconds later when without a sound at all ... it just vanishes, amazing.

You tube hit me with two strikes in two days. I’m proud to say they would have given every video on my channel a strike...if I had not deleted all of them first. Now, Youtube is just another channel on cable TV - all fake news all the time. Good for nothing but cute rabbit/cat/dog videos and propaganda....because there’s never too much propaganda.

Let me know how and where I can donate $$$, also I have a domain that’s hot if you want it. You can call yourself The News.

Yes! It’s the passion. In all RV’s videos – you can hear the passion.

Hopefully Danny Papalardo’s wife....or boyfriend get’s home invaded and gang raped and he has no gun to defend his wife....IF this is even real, which it’s not. It’s more fake propaganda, that guys an actor.

I can’t speak on everybody else but I can say that without a shadow of a doubt (😂), Russianvids changed the way I see the world. When his YouTube channels started going down I was disappointed to say the least. Nothing would make me happier than to see all of his work securely stored for all those who seek knowledge to discover, and even better, to see new content created with same passion we all came to know and love. The world needs RV. Please come back!

Sounds like Rothschild’s 25 point plan for world domination. Rothschild is the Vatican’s banker...imagine that.

A lot of these student’s don’t know what’s going on!!they were told it was a drill and it was!!! Just to take your 2 an amendment away so they can kill you ands enslave you!! Look up act of 1871!!! Look it up bet school don’t teach that!!why not??

So sad Youtube is. Took my channel down and that I really do not care about, but taking these guys down for doing what is right! Like when did we get to the point that people help censor truth for the Powers? Like how obvious can YT make it that they are censoring truth? I really hope these 3 can start doing stuff here as they were silenced because they conveyed what the truth was so well. That is a gift that not all of us have.

Make a note. Your children’s brains are not safe as long as you do not home school them. Their heads will be filled with shit and they will be traumatized by fear porn. In short, they will grow up to be just like you.

What is "Actively Bleeding?" Bleeding is passive....unless you are helping it along with leeches. But there is salvation for crisis actors....kill yourselves and all will be forgiven.

Someone filmed the cleanup crew the next day and there was no blood and no bullet holes at the scene. Media are the terrorists.

This site is way better than anything out there.. Thank you.

pockets of the future was positing that he had been deliberately put as bait for truthers so that they could conduct the you tube purge once people revealed their skepticism.The old trick of creating a problem to enact a "solution"

I believe this FL fake shooting was staged to label more people as mentally ill to take away their civil liberties. In other words, this was another hoax staged by the U.S. Luciferian government.

In it’s heyday before youtube started censoring hard, this video had hundreds of thousands of views. Now everytime it goes up on youtube it gets taken down again. Nice to see people reposting it but it’s sad how few views so far. SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!!!!!!!!!

3000 people did not die on 911. There were no planes. No one died on a plane. The WTC towers were gutted, prepped and planted w nanothermite and explosives for the 911 planned controlled demolitions. Bush cousins, Mike and John Cappelletti’s demolition crew got the demo job. Gutting started on July 24, 2001, the day Silverstein signed his 99 yr lease with Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Once in Silverstein’s name the demo work started.rnAnn Cappelletti and Barbara Bush are illegitimate witch daughters of Aleister Crowley. Bush and Cappelletti brothers are Crowley grandsons.rn