
He is a guy. Whitesnake ripped off Led Zeppelin. Coverdale probably had plastic surgery.

Just in case Jewish Zionists don’t piss you off enough, we have Christian Zionists...what will they think of next?

I find a white residue in the garden from time to time that is really hard to rinse away. I believe its fallout from the chemtrails. thanks for watching I also have two youtube channels that go by the same name. I am going to work on bringing all the video I have made/saved to this platform as well........

Never seen spiral trails before. Here in So. Cal, we get trails constantly. I believe they are using a super absorbent polymer to absorb water which reduces rain fall. This has been tested and proven to work. I found evidence of it in air conditioning condensate...a white powder that settled into porous concrete a few months ago and is still there even after it rained a few times.’s normal and I’m just a burnt out dope fiend. Whatever.

Well....fuck. Why not? Ask Tawny Kitaen. Randi Rhodes might just be Randy Rhodes, too.

Great site. Thanks for putting in the amazing effort. Keep up the fight. I’m promoting you to all my subs on YT.

He’s a wannabe actor at best.

David Hogg is Beavis incarnate.

Peekay was right on the money with all this, whole event was nonsense. However, he made a mistake calling the hospital to try to talk to a fake victim, he should have been harassing the media and police in Melbourne about it, even showing up at government offices and demanding answers, demanding they tell the truth.

Lady Penelope.. Isn’t life fun sometimes?

I just discovered you through YT! I can’t thank you enough! Thank yous! Much love and God bless all of yous ::}

I agree Kenny. To contain this hoax, they would limit those in the know to a minimum. The majority would think it was a drill. Will look up the Act. Cheers!

Oh Google, oh Google, whereforth has though allowed great evil to snatch our minds and our souls, hidden in plane sight so nobody knows that we are now under full control. :/

I think 153 is already better than YT. I mean seriously once some issues are resolved here I’d rather be on a site that values free speech.

Yes! 153 news – It’s rocking the house!

I am also 50/50 on Halbig. WH can have been put out there so people in the Truth community thinks that it is someone out there trying to get the Sandy Hook scammer to court. This scenario is possible. If WH is on the wrong side of the fence – he fooled me for years. It was the video ’Sandy Hook Firehouse Looking For Answers’ that woke me up to the idea that he can be part of the plot. This 3 duping delights in this video, when he talking about being threatened, is a crisis actor modus operandi.

Hi Gregg, everyone has different views, I hope you reconsider and leave your videos here as they look interesting and I would like to watch them, all the best

Richard Dawkins suggests that indoctrinating children into an ideology before they’re able to think for themselves is tantamount to child abuse!

Hi Greg. Thanks for the note. I have seen your emails in and planned on replying to them. I get an upward to 100 emails a day that need replied to as well making sure the site stays up. I realize not everyone likes everyone and we all have differerent point of views. I dont think anyone is impersonating anyone. We have reached out and would very much like these guys here. As you have requested I will get your channel, videos, and account removed at some point today. When you talk about ruffling feathers, we are in dark days with out brothers and sisters dying. We dont have time to play politically correct. We will all be long dead before we see fruits of this. Our world is no longer politically correct and grown men and women eating our babies means our time is up.

No need to apologise, just don’t watch them. Thanks for trying though.