
LMAO, it didn’t even go that high, bloody planes fly higher than that! I think those balloons people send up with cameras on them go higher!

Definitely the same woman. That’s why her MSM pics were graduation pics, which she wouldn’t have in February if she was a student. They don’t give out the graduation stuff until just before graduation, let alone take pics! I knew it was a picture of someone now older.

Whatchoo talkin bout BossMan?

Dr Fetzer is an incredible researcher and probably a genius. I don’t always agree 100% with all his theorys butI think he is almost always spot on.

First of all, great video!! Thanks for it!! Secondly, as someone who’s lived in Italy for the past twenty three years I can assure you that you are absolutely not going to find that many people who ALL just happen to be British, Australian, American, plus French people who speak very good English, all in the same place at the same time. Just doesn’t happen, even in Paris!! It doesn’t happen EVER in Milano, even if the people are all young. That alone screams bs. Glad to see a video on this phony fake show!!!

I have no Idea how all those M’s got in my post. Maybe when I hit the spacebar it create an "M’ instead of a space.

Ice9- I believe they control the election results.rnI now believe they allowed Trump to win (even though in an honest election he would have won by far).rnBy allowing him to win they pissed off the Hiliary voters, but better piss them off then the Trump voters which was the majority of Americans..rnSo Trump won and became PREZ. But the people in power who backed Hiliary are still running things just as if she won.rnThey put pacifiers in the mouths of the majority who voted for Trump. And now they can use his Presidency to further divide the country using their controlled media.rn

ouch. good to have archived here.

Your right...they got us all drugged and slumbering. A small awakening of real patriots is a dangerous place for the NWO. They believe history is written, but maybe...just maybe...

The three across picture is not of the same woman. Absolutely don’t even look anything alike. You and others who do this lose your credibility with stuff like that.

Yep...these are the thugs dropping people in trunks and pig farms. If we arent to late and if we can free our brothers and sisters fast enough, guaranteed our sleeping family will take care of business when they awake.

Exactly. We need the evidence and the people before ever going into battle. We are all at a great disadvantage because it took us this long to find a solution but now that we have one, the evidence seems to be mounting up.

He approaches it, he touches it, he approaches it, he touches it, he approaches it, he touches it 😂😂 Sounds like commentary of bathroom activities at the Orlando Pulse gay nightclub 😂😂👍🏼

AML - wait until you hear the interview Side Thorn just did. Your famous!

Yeah your right. But then again, I’m not on YouTube so none of that PC bullshit necessary 👍🏼😎

FromDeath2Life covered it. Such booshit booshit booshit

And Hollywood make up 😂

They love that shit 😻

G’day, yeah I’m well. Thanks Cindy 👍🏼

Please not the Girl wearing the Beatles T shirt. rn Is a School near John Lennon airport Liverpool. going to the next hoax!