
Funny thing about swamps... you can really drain them. They refill from below.. and wonder whats below? Thats a given and where this mess comes from in first place. Peacern

Zombie - using the word "play" is what it really is now. Its a game.. rules dont matter. So switch the board and game to a new one. this new one, same as the old one, will be of the FORCE of "mental" types of things. By this I mean to say, its not about what you can and cant do.. its about approval to do it based on things like the DSM. .. Go check this thing out. It will be the new law of the land. 1984 was a script in so m any words.. either way.. Peace.rn

Yea.. seems so JB. surprised ya didnt stick this.. :) NO ONE had rpt on this here. ODDly I guess..rn

It is GOING to be the things.. mental health will precede all other forms of /law/control. Nothing new under the sun.. Same sht different era is all.

Or worse..

That creature isn’t even using her hand in the way a normal person would!

I think they will give her the Oscar....if you know what I mean.


Love you Jim. Thankyou for everything you’ve done.

All the answers??? The moon landing is the biggest joke outside of the official Santa clause story of 911

DOOM! I float in doom. I rise and bloom like a lotus from the muddy depths.

oopps.... add to that: 3:27 "two years ago when I was a junior in high school" I would never refer to my former high school as "my high school".... She scares me though. SHE IS MAD.

@2:00 minutes : people I loved, people who I passed in the hallways who I bumped shoulders with.

Sheeple will buy anything. There’s a sucker born every minute.

What is this magnificent thing?

Mystery bag

I can’t believe they were able to sell those iphones with facial recognition tech. Most people are apparently stupid enough to allow big brother track their every move just to be trendy and fit in with the herd.

Emma Joe has two Adams luv ya my friend thx for this video and the laugh..🤣

She covered LGBTQ news stories for her high school TV news desk. Ain’t she great?

Haha! Zero tears for her friends in the hall. But lots of political views.