
Its a reallllly long story and its been a really long week but essentially to stop a hack from happening I had to apply software and reboot. On reboot a bunch of videos on the que went crazy. So I spent hours trying to fix and finally just said yarrgggg and restored the database. Well that kicked me in the face as well. Finally fixed that and you guys reploaded. So during the night you guys uploaded so much AND there was still a ghost conversion going on. So this AM I muddeled around. The system in itself is fairly large. vids coming in convert to 5 formats, images are made, tags, sql updates, and a ton of other things. If anything along the way happens badly things break. So essentially a reboot with unprocessed videos was the 3rd thing.

Telling porkies, that unacceptable. rnThey should put up wanted posters all over His school. Have you seen this prick? He was last seen hanging out in the locker room.

In your earlier video I made a short post on my meeting FBI. Vid where you mention my name.

I met with two FBI agents for 40 minutes. They were checking me out as a threat to the local 3/14 student walk-out. I will post a video on this. I didn’t sign any paperwork as none was presented. I was open and upfront. They even took notes when I showed Hogg CBS and crisis actor crew pictures. I told them it was staged. More later. I had to show ID. They showed theirs. They asked about my background. College and Air Force. Much more. 😀

rnrnwow dammegard confirmed my suspicions about elm street dallas being a possible false flag operation. There was apparently a craigslist ad for crisis actors in that area. If this is true then they would need to stop someone like side thorn from investigating it if he had prior knowledge. Thanks for the upload Austin Texas.rn

Maybe this will help your case

Great job. I hate Pozner with a passion. But the best way to confront him for now is legally. Check Fellowship of the Minds and what they did against Pozner. There server refused to take down copyright material claimef by Lenny. Will get link in a second.

Elaine Hogg removed this video from her YouTube account. You’re watching it so you know it was there.

I wouldn’t doubt it. Hard to prove just like all of this crap. But we can prove that David is an actwhore.

Yeah one of mine showed complete and successful, I watched it once, then it was gone when I refreshed. CRAP.. I forgot I had already upload this. lol.. He is supposed to have a court date. Last I heard. I dont try to contact him tho. Your english is fine brother. Not a worry.. Much better than my norweigian. haha

Thanks again, uncle alice. These two vids are a must see.

myen was also monthly donation as well i hope more will do this as well

Like the 9.11 police car....

Hogg was also in Porkys 1982.

Not one bullet hole, not a drop of blood, not a window shattered. rnAs usual.

Dear God, please stay off those spooky roads then. Maybe he needs to cancel his Florida trip and lock himself in his dorm where he’ll be safe!

Tried to get the documentary up as well. Someone was able to do so here. Should see both. Marty does a nice job. Enjoy..

cut the police state budget by at least a half, allow people to arm and protect themselves, stop staging false flag exercises, and stop the zionist gun grab agenda. Hey look its magic problems solved.

Well done Jason!